Novi Yu-Gi-Oh! proizvod: Photon Hypernova

Novi Yu-Gi-Oh proizvod: Photon Hypernova

Novi Yu-Gi-Oh! proizvod: Photon Hypernova izlazi 09.02.2023. U novom setu će biti ukupno 100 različitih karata (50 Commons, 26 Super Rares, 14 Ultra Rare, 10 Secret Rares i 5 Starlight Rares). Photon Hypernova će nam donijeti support za “Photon”, “Galaxy”, “Kashtira”, “Bystial” i mnoge druge archtypove. Ovaj set će definitivno promijeniti metagame!

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Novi Yu-Gi-Oh! proizvod: Photon Hypernova
Broj karteIme karteRaritetKategorija
PHHY-EN000Gravekeeper’s InscriptionSecret RareNormal Spell
PHHY-EN001Photon EmperorCommonEffect Monster
PHHY-EN002Galaxy SummonerCommonEffect Monster
PHHY-EN003GalactikuribohSuper RareEffect Monster
PHHY-EN004Bystial BaldrakeCommonEffect Monster
PHHY-EN005The Abyss Dragon SwordsoulSuper RareEffect Monster
PHHY-EN006Kashtira RiseheartUltra RareEffect Monster
PHHY-EN007Scareclaw KashtiraCommonEffect Monster
PHHY-EN008Tearlaments KashtiraUltra RareEffect Monster
PHHY-EN009Chaos WitchSuper RareEffect Monster
PHHY-EN010Shell of ChaosCommonEffect Monster
PHHY-EN011Core of ChaosCommonEffect Tuner Monster
PHHY-EN012Mental TunerCommonEffect Tuner Monster
PHHY-EN013Chaos Mirage DragonSuper RareEffect Tuner Monster
PHHY-EN014Bio-Insect ArmorCommonEffect Monster
PHHY-EN015Infinite AntlionCommonEffect Monster
PHHY-EN016Abyss Actor – Liberty DramatistCommonEffect Pendulum Monster
PHHY-EN017Jioh the Gravity NinjaCommonEffect Monster
PHHY-EN018Gishki GrimnessCommonEffect Monster
PHHY-EN019Basiltrice, Familiar of the Evil EyeCommonEffect Monster
PHHY-EN020Vala, Seidhr of the Generaider BossesCommonEffect Monster
PHHY-EN021Beargram, Shelled Emperor of the Forest CrownUltra RareEffect Monster
PHHY-EN022Manticore of SmashingCommonEffect Monster
PHHY-EN023Choju of the Trillion HandsSuper RareEffect Monster
PHHY-EN024Fierce Tiger MonghuCommonEffect Monster
PHHY-EN025Fairyant the Circular SorcererSuper RareEffect Tuner Monster
PHHY-EN026Sari of the Silverwing AxeCommonEffect Monster
PHHY-EN027Couple of AcesCommonEffect Monster
PHHY-EN028Dimensional Allotrope VarisSuper RareEffect Tuner Monster
PHHY-EN029Meteor Rush – MonochroidCommonEffect Monster
PHHY-EN030Sneaky “C”Super RareEffect Monster
PHHY-EN031Dogmatika Alba ZoaSuper RareEffect Ritual Monster
PHHY-EN032Evigishki NeremanasSuper RareEffect Ritual Monster
PHHY-EN033Granguignol the Dusk DragonUltra Rare/Starlight RareEffect Fusion Monster
PHHY-EN034Rindbrumm the Striking DragonUltra RareEffect Fusion Monster
PHHY-EN035Ultimate Great InsectSuper RareEffect Fusion Monster
PHHY-EN036Yaguramaru the Armor NinjaCommonEffect Fusion Monster
PHHY-EN037Arktos XII – Chronochasm VaylantzSuper RareEffect Fusion Pendulum Monster
PHHY-EN038Icejade Gymir AegirineUltra RareEffect Synchro Monster
PHHY-EN039Chaos ArchfiendUltra RareEffect Synchro Monster
PHHY-EN040Chaos BeastCommonEffect Synchro Monster
PHHY-EN041Plunder Patrollship JordSuper RareEffect Synchro Pendulum Monster
PHHY-EN042Circle of the FairiesCommonEffect Synchro Monster
PHHY-EN043Number C62: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon DragonUltra RareEffect Xyz Monster
PHHY-EN044Galaxy Photon DragonSecret RareEffect Xyz Monster
PHHY-EN045Gigantic “Champion” SargasSecret RareEffect Xyz Monster
PHHY-EN046Kashtira Arise-HeartSecret RareEffect Xyz Monster
PHHY-EN047Laevatein, Generaider Boss of ShadowsUltra RareEffect Xyz Monster
PHHY-EN048Tri-Brigade Arms Bucephalus IISuper Rare/Starlight RareEffect Link Monster
PHHY-EN049Abyss Actor – Super ProducerCommonEffect Link Monster
PHHY-EN050Dyna MondoCommonEffect Link Monster
PHHY-EN051Galaxy HundredCommonContinuous Spell
PHHY-EN052Numeron CreationCommonNormal Spell
PHHY-EN053Icejade ManifestationCommonNormal Spell
PHHY-EN054Tally-ho! SpringansCommonQuick-Play Spell
PHHY-EN055DogmatikamatrixSuper RareContinous Spell
PHHY-EN056Light of the BrandedCommonQuick-Play Spell
PHHY-EN057Kashtira OverlapCommonQuick-Play Spell
PHHY-EN058KashtiratheosisSecret RareNormal Spell
PHHY-EN059Pressured Planet WraitsothSecret RareField Spell
PHHY-EN060Scareclaw DefangingCommonContinuous Spell
PHHY-EN061Tearlaments PerlegiaCommonField Spell
PHHY-EN062Giant BallgameCommonContinuous Spell
PHHY-EN063Abyss Actors’ Dress RehearsalSuper RareNormal Spell
PHHY-EN064Abyss Script – Dramatic StoryCommonNormal Spell
PHHY-EN065Tenchi KaimeiCommonField Spell
PHHY-EN066Gishki NekromirrorCommonRitual Spell
PHHY-EN067Focused AquamirrorCommonNormal Spell
PHHY-EN068Evil Eyes UnleashedCommonNormal Spell
PHHY-EN069Triple Tactics ThrustSecret RareNormal Spell
PHHY-EN070Land FlippingCommonNormal Spell
PHHY-EN071Photon TimestopCommonNormal Trap
PHHY-EN072Gigantic ThundercrossCommonNormal Trap
PHHY-EN073Branded BefallenCommonContinuous Trap
PHHY-EN074TrivikarmaUltra RareNormal Trap
PHHY-EN075Kashtira Big BangCommonNormal Trap
PHHY-EN076Chaos PhantasmCommonNormal Trap
PHHY-EN077Big Welcome LabrynthUltra RareNormal Trap
PHHY-EN078WeighbridgeSecret RareNormal Trap
PHHY-EN079Sour Scheduling – Red Vinegar VamooseCommonContinuous Trap
PHHY-EN080Intimidating Ore – SummoniteCommonNormal Trap
PHHY-EN081MinairukaCommonEffect Monster
PHHY-EN082Orphebull the Harmonious Bullfighter BardUltra RareEffect Monster
PHHY-EN083Diabolantis the Menacing MantisCommonEffect Synchro Monster
PHHY-EN084Xyz AlignCommonQuick-Play Spell
PHHY-EN085Made to Order Mermaid Outfit OutfitterSuper RareNormal Spell
PHHY-EN086Gold Pride – LeonSecret RareEffect Tuner Monster
PHHY-EN087Gold Pride – Nytro HeadSuper RareEffect Monster
PHHY-EN088Gold Pride – Captain CarrieUltra RareEffect Monster
PHHY-EN089Gold Pride – Star LeonUltra RareEffect Synchro Monster
PHHY-EN090Gold Pride – Nytro BlasterSuper RareEffect Link Monster
PHHY-EN091Gold Pride – The Crowd Goes Wild!Secret RareNormal Spell
PHHY-EN092Gold Pride – Start Your Engines!Super RareNormal Trap
PHHY-EN093CassimolarCommonEffect Monster
PHHY-EN094Queen Butterfly DanausSuper RareEffect Monster
PHHY-EN095Qardan the Clear-SightedSuper RareEffect Monster
PHHY-EN096Pharaonic AdventSuper RareEffect Monster
PHHY-EN097Apophis the Swamp DeitySuper RareContinuous Trap
PHHY-EN098Green NinjaSuper RareEffect Monster
PHHY-EN099Humongous Hive Hegemon – ZexstaggerSuper RareEffect Monster
PHHY-EN100Mirrorjade the Iceblade DragonStarlight RareEffect Fusion Monster



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