Datum održavanja: 2.9.2017 (subota)
Početak prijava: 9h
Početak turnira: 10.30h
Lokacija: Dućan Carta Magica, Frankopanska 24, Zagreb
Upad: 70 kn
Pravo sudjelovanja: Sudjelovati smiju svi igrači
- na upadu se dobivaju 1 booster Code of the Duelist i 1 OTS Pack 5 booster
- na kraju swiss dijela turnira nagrade prema poretku:
- TOP4 – deckbox
- TOP8 – playmat
- na svakih 8 igrača koji sudjeluju na turniru, 1 je kvalificiran na Europsko prvenstvo 2018. godine, prema poretku, a ako je među njima netko već kvalificiran, kvalifikacijsko mjesto se pomiče na slijedećeg po poretku koji nije kvalificiran
- mlađi igrači rođeni 2005. godine ili kasnije gledajući samo poredak među ostalim mlađim igračima prema poretku nakon swissa kao dodatne nagrade dobivaju (izračunato za odaziv od 10 mlađih igrača):
- 1. mjesto: 3 boostera Code of the Duelist
2. mjesto: 2 boostera Code of the Duelist
3.-4. mjesto: 1 booster Code of the Duelist
- 1. mjesto: 3 boostera Code of the Duelist
- na kraju turnira (nakon TOP8/TOP16) dodatne nagrade (izračunato za odaziv od 70 igrača; manje igrača znači manje nagrade više igrača znači više nagrada):
- 1. mjesto: trofej, Cardmarket poklon bon 150€, 18 boostera Code of the Duelist
- 2. mjesto: trofej, 36 boostera Code of the Duelist
- 3. mjesto: trofej, 18 boostera Code of the Duelist
- 4. mjesto: 18 boostera Code of the Duelist
- 5.-8. mjesto: 9 boostera Code of the Duelist
- 9.-16. mjesto: 4 boostera Code of the Duelist
Summer Challenge 2017 Final Standings by Uredništvo Yugioh Planeta on Scribd
Deck liste
Patrik Cerar
3 Gameciel, the sea turtle kaiju
3 Zoodiac throughblade
3 Zoodiac whiptail
2 Zoodiac ratpier
3 Ghost ogre & snow rabbit
1 Maxx „c“
2 Shuffle reborn
2 Pot of desires
1 Raigeki
1 Dark hole
1 Soul charge
1 Book of moon
3 Twin twisters
3 My body as a shield
3 Zoodiac barrage
3 Fire formation – tenki
2 Zoodiac combo
1 Solemn warning
3 Zoodiac tigermortar
1 Zoodiac hammerkong
3 Zoodiac chakanine
3 Zoodiac drident
3 Zoodiac broadbull
1 Zoodiac boarbow
1 Missus radiant
3 Mask of restrict
3 Royal decree
3 Magic deflector
1 Imperial order
2 Enemy controller
2 Forbidden chalice
Hrvoje Hedžet
3 Zoodiac throughblade
3 Zoodiac whiptail
2 Zoodiac ratpier
2 Zoodiac ramram
1 Maxx „c“
1 Ash blossom & joyous spring
3 Zoodiac barrage
3 Fire formation – tenki
3 Twin twisters
3 Pot of desires
3 Shuffle reborn
2 Dark hole
1 Raigeki
2 Enemy controller
1 Soul charge
3 Dimensional barrier
1 Zoodiac combo
1 Torrential tribute
3 Zoodiac tigermortar
1 Zoodiac hammerkong
3 Zoodiac chakanine
3 Zoodiac drident
3 Zoodiac broadbull
1 Zoodiac boarbow
1 Missus radiant
2 Ghost ogre & snow rabbit
1 Gameciel, the sea turtle kaiju
3 Cosmic cyclone
2 My body as a shield
3 Magic deflector
2 Floodgate trap hole
1 Imperial order
Matija Kišur
3 Kozmo tincan
1 Kozmo dark eclipser
1 Kozmo dark destroyer
1 Kozmo foreunner
2 Kozmo sliprider
1 Kozmo landwalker
1 Kozmo dark lady
1 Kozmo strawman
3 Metalfoe wolfame
2 Metalfoe goldriver
2 Artifact scyte
3 Kozmotown
2 Terraforming
3 Pot of duality
2 Back to the front
3 Call of the haunted
3 Artifact sanctum
3 Solemn strike
1 Kozmojo
2 Metalfoe counter
1 Red eyes flare metal dragon
1 Gaia dragon the thunder charger
1 Mecha phantom beast draccosack
1 Number 11: Big eye
1 Cyber dragon infinity
1 cyber dragon nova
1 Number 61: Volcasaurus
1 Constellar pleiades
1 Artifact durendal
1 Dogoran the mad flame kaiju
1 Radian the interdimensional kaiju
1 Kumungus the sticky string kaiju
1 Artifact morralltach
1 Kozmo farmfirl
2 Interrupted kaiju slumber
1 Imperial order
1 Solemn warning
3 Anti-spell fragrance
Rok Vujanović
2 Aleister the invoker
1 Ash blossom & joyous spring
3 Droll & lock bird
3 Ghost ogre & snow rabbit
2 Trickstar candina
3 Windwitch – ice bell
1 Windwitch – glass bell
1 Windwitch – snow bell
1 Maxx „c“
3 Terraforming
2 Invocation
2 Magical meltdown
1 Trickstar light stage
1 Secret village of the spellcasters
2 Dark hole
2 Spellbook of knowledge
1 Spellbook of secrets
1 Twin twisters
1 Oracle of zefra
3 Call of the haunted
1 Solemn warning
3 Trickstar reincarnation
1 Gagaga cowboy
1 Psy – framelord omega
1 Castel, the skyblaster musketeer
1 Crystal wing synchro dragon
1 Windwitch – winter bell
2 Invoked mechaba
2 Invoked raidjin
1 Invoked cocytus
1 Invoked purgatrio
1 Invoked maggelanica
2 Magic deflector
2 Twin twisters
2 Mirro force
2 D.D crow
2 System down
2 Interrupted kaiju slumber
1 Jizukiru the star destroying kaiju
1 Gamecial the sea turtle kaiju
Marko Nikšić
2 Zoodiac whiptail
2 Zoodiac ratpier
2 Zoodiac thoroughblade
1 Maxx „c“
2 Zoodiac ramram
2 Dinomight kamper der wahre drachorieger
2 Ignis heat, the true dracowarrior
2 Meister peace, der wahre drachoschlacht – konig
3 Dragonische darstellung
3 Waure drachoheraunet
3 Terraforming
3 Pot of desires
3 Zoodiac barrage
2 Disciples of the true dracophoenix
2 Dark hole
1 Raigeki
1 Book of moon
2 Twin twisters
3 Solemn strike
2 True king’s return
1 True draco’s apocalypse
3 Zoodiac drident
2 Zoodiac broadbull
3 Zoodaic chakanine
2 Zoodiac tigermortar
1 Zoodiac hammerkong
1 Zoodiac boarbow
1 Tornado dragon
1 Missus – strahler
3 Ghost ogre & snow rabbit
2 Kumongous the sticky string kaiju
2 Pianissimo
2 Enemy controller
2 Dimensional barrier
2 Magic deflector
1 Imperial order
1 Erradicacion ciega
Filip Kupres
3 Double iris magician
2 Black fang magician
2 Oafdragon magician
3 Wisdom-eye magician
3 Purple fusion magician
3 Harmonizing magician
3 Performapal skullcrobat joker
2 Performapal pendulum sorcerer
1 Performapal lizardraw
1 Performapal guitartle
1 Maxx „c“
2 Ghost ogre & snow rabbit
2 Zoodiac ratpier
1 Zoodiac thoroughblade
1 Zoodiac whiptail
1 Zoodiac ramram
2 Zoodiac barrage
2 Star pendulumgraph
1 Pendlulum call
3 Duelist alliance
1 Time pendulumgraph
1 Beelze of the diabolic dragons
1 PSY-framelord omega
1 Ignister prominence the blasting dracoslayer
1 Abyss dweller
1 Tornado dragon
1 Timestar magician
2 Zoodiac drident
2 Zoodiac broadbull
1 Zoodiac tigermortar
1 Zoodiac chakanine
1 Zoodiac hammerkong
1 Missus radiant
1 Decode talker
3 System down
3 Twin twisters
2 Interrupted kaiju slumber
1 Kumongous ths ticky string kaiju
1 Radiant the interdimensional kaiju
1 Gameciel the sea turtle kaiju
1 Ash blossom & joyous spring
1 Stardust dragon
1 Ghost ogre & snow rabbit
1 Jizukiru the star destroying kaiju
Filip Ljubičić
3 Zoodiac thoroughblade
3 Zoodiac whiptail
2 Zoodiac ratpier
2 Zoodiac ramram
2 Ash blossom & joyous spring
3 Ghost ogre & snow rabbit
1 Maxx „c“
1 Gameciel the sea turtle kaiju
1 Kumongous the sticky string kaiju
3 Cosmic cyclone
3 Fire formation – tenki
3 My body as a shield
3 Zoodiac barrage
2 Enenmy controller
2 Shuffle reborn
2 Flodgate trap hole
3 Solemn strike
1 Zoodiac combo
1 Solemn warning
3 Zoodiac drident
3 Zoodiac broadbull
3 Zoodiac chakanine
2 Zoodiac tigermortar
2 Zoodiac boarbow
1 Zoodiac hammerkong
1 Missus radiant
1 JIzukiru the star destroying kaiju
2 Interrupted kiaju slumber
3 Twin twisters
2 DImensional barrier
1 Enemy controller
1 Imperial order
1 Macro cosmos
1 Zoodiac combo
3 Magic deflector