TCG Exclusive karte iz PHSW-a

Za koji tjedan počinju Release Celebration i Sneak Peak turniri najnovije edcije Photon Shockwave, pa hajde da se upoznamo barem sa nekim kartama – onim TCG Exclusive 😀

Znate kako svaki booster pack, tj. edicija sadrži 100 karata? Od tih 100 karata, 80 karata je regularnih, izvornih iz PHSW-a. Ostalih 20 je nadoknadno dodano, 10 karata iz OCG-a (karte koje su bile dostupne samo u Japanu) i 10 TCG exclusive karata (karte posebno napravljene samo za TCG). Donosimo popis tih 10 TCG Exclusive karata pošto ih znamo 🙂

Alexandrite Dragon

LIGHT Dragon
LV4 2000/100
Normal monster

Photon Sabre Tiger
LV3 2000/300
When this card is Normal or Flip Summoned: You can add 1 “Photon Sabre Tiger” from your Deck to your hand. If you do not control another “Photon Sabre Tiger”, this card loses 800 ATK.

Evolsaur Pelta
FIRE Dinosaur
LV3 1100 /2000
When this card is special summoned by the effect of an “Evoltile” monster, it gains 500 DEF. If this card was special summoned by the effet of an “Evoltile” monster, then it is destroyed by battle you can add 1 “Evoltile” monster from your deck to your hand.

Wind-Up Rabbit
EARTH Beast-Warrior
LV3 1400/900
During either player’s turn: You can target 1 “Wind-Up” monster you control; banish it until your next Standby Phase. This effect can only be activated once while this card is face-up on the field.

DARK Fiend
LV1 100/1000
FLIP: You can Special Summon any number of “D-Boyz” from your Deck in face-up Attack Position, then you take 1000 damage for each monster Special Summoned by this effect.

Latinum, Exarch of Dark World
DARK Fiend
LV6 1500 DEF 2400
If this card is discarded to the Graveyard by a card effect: If it was discarded from your hand to your Graveyard by an opponent’s card effect, target 1 Fiend-Type monster on the field; Special Summon this card from the Graveyard, then that target (if any) gains 500 ATK.

Evolzar Dolkka
FIRE Dragon /Xyz
RK4 2300/1700
2 Level 4 Dinosaur-Type monsters
When an Effect Monster’s effect activates: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; negate the activation and destroy it.

Wind-Up Zenmaines
FIRE Machine/ Xyz
RK3 1500/2100
2 Level 3 monsters
If this face-up card on the field would be destroyed, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card instead. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this effect was used this turn: Target 1 card on the field; destroy it.

Xyz Territory
Equip Spell
When an Xyz Monster battles another monster, that Xyz Monster gains 200 ATK and DEF x its Rank during damag calculation only. If this card on the field would be destroyedby a card effect, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from a monster you control instead.

Dark Smog
Continuous Trap
Once per turn: You can target 1 monster in your opponent’s Graveyard; discard 1 Fiend-Type monster and banish that target.

Kako vam se čine ove karte? Inače baš te TCG exclusive karte znaju biti najbrutalnije u cijelom setu 🙂

white dragon

Glavni urednik Yugioh Planet portala i državni prvak 2007. godine.

4 misli o “TCG Exclusive karte iz PHSW-a

  1. Ovako na prvi pogled dvije su karte poprilična brutala:
    Dark Smog – kao da DW nije dosta jak sa novim SD-om nego su sada još dodali ovaj uber trap, koji ubija grave based deckove jer praktično to je D.D. Crow sa podrškom za DW s obzirom da discarda kartu
    Wind-Up Zenmaisen – uz Leviaira i Leviathana najbolji rank 3 xyz, jer ima sličan effect kao Gachi, ali još uz to može uništiti kartu na kraju poteza, jedina mu je slabost što to ne djeluje na banish pa će CS i BLS imati dosta posla.

    Ostale karte nisu nešto posebno, ali tko zna možda se varam.

  2. Dodajmo i Evolzar Dolkka kao dodatak u Extra decku Jurrac/Rabbit/Evol varijacija.

    A Photon Sabre Tiger? U T.G. bi mogao dobro raditi.

  3. A da zaboravio na Evolzara, ali on radi samo u tom svojem decku sa Zecom i u nekom Evol decku, dok recimo Zenmaisen radi u bilo kojem.
    Tiger, pa nije loš kao neki anti-meta monster, s obzirom da daje novog monstera u hand, plus ako on preživi (što u anti-meta sigurno hoće) dođe drugi i onda automatski imaš dva monstera od 2000 ATK plus još jednog Sabera u hand dobiješ.
    Nije on loš mogo bi u Anti-meta T.G., ili u neki drugi Anti-meta.


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