SHVI Kozmo support

Za one koji nisu u toku, najavljen je ostatak Kozmo supporta. Sveukupno 5 karata dolazi u boosteru Shining Victories i vjerojatno je posljednji support koji će deck dobiti. Ispričavam se za slike, ipak su to leakovi, evo vam glazba za ugođaj dok čitate. 🙂

Dark Planet

Kozmo Dark Planet
Level 10 DARK Machine-Type [Special Summon] Effect Monster
ATK 4000 / DEF 4000
Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing “Kozmo” monsters from your hand whose Levels equal 10 or more and cannot be Special Summoned by other means. Cannot be targeted by your opponent’s card effects. During either player’s turn, when a Spell Card is activated: you can banish 1 “Kozmo” monster in your Graveyard; negate the activation, and if you do, destroy that card. If this card is destroyed by battle or by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: you can banish this card from your Graveyard; add 1 Level 9 or lower “Kozmo” monster from your Deck to your hand.

“That’s no moonplanet. It’s a space station.” Najbolje krenuti od najiščekivanijeg. Naizgled untargetable 4k Naturia Beast, ali Dark Planet ima nekoliko mana. Summon mu je -2 u najboljem slučaju, iako Kozmotown može malo uljepšati stvari, te zahtijeva resolveanog Tincana da bi mogao koristiti svoj ubojiti efekt (koji nije once per turn). Osim što ima visok summoning cost, ne može biti prizvan ni na jedan drugi način osim vlastitim efektom. I ako umre, searcha, poput Eclipsera. Sve u svemu, nije loš, online ljudi govore da ga ne misle igrati, pa trebamo još vidjeti kako će se stvari razviti. Možda postane popularan u nekoj mill varijanti decka (Needlebug Nest?). Art je meni svejedno precool po svim kriterijima.

Dark Lady

Kozmo Dark Lady
Level 5 DARK Psychic-Type Effect Monster
ATK 2200 / DEF 1800
During either player’s turn: you can banish this card: Special Summon 1 Level 6 or higher “Kozmo” monster from your hand. You can only use this effect of “Kozmo Dark Lady” once per turn. Once per turn, during either player’s turn when another monster’s effect is activated: you can pay 1000 LP: Negate that activation, and if you do, destroy that monster.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Još je monster efekt negacija soft opt, pa ako nekako spustite dvije i imate LP-a na bacanje, raspali samo! Ipak, i dalje je pilot, pa ne floata, a može se taggati samo u lv 6 i više. Ne može biti normal summonana, pa treba ili pilot, ili revive sa Soartrooperima. Neovisno o svemu tome, ovo je jedini novi support za koji sam siguran da će se igrati i s Planetom može stvoriti nepobjediv lock.

Fearful Lion

Kozmo Fearful Lion
Level 2 LIGHT Psychic-Type Effect Monster
ATK 1200 / DEF 500
During either player’s turn: you can banish this card: Special Summon 1 Level 3 or higher “Kozmo” monster from your hand. You can only use this effect of “Kozmo Fearful Lion” once per turn. Once per turn: You can pay 500 LP, then target 3 of your banished “Kozmo” monsters; return them to the Graveyard, and if you do, inflict 500 damage to your opponent.

Potencijalna reciklaža za Dark Planet i Eclipsera, ali lakše je vraćati stvari sa Kozmotownom. Nije baš impresivan.


Kozmo Walker
Level 6 DARK Machine-Type Effect Monster
ATK 2400 / DEF 1200
If one or more of your “Kozmo” cards would be destroyed by battle or an opponents card effect, you can destroy a different “Kozmo” card you control instead. If this card is destroyed by battle or card effect and sent to the graveyard: you can banish this card; Special Summon 1 Level 5 or lower “Kozmo” monster from your deck.

Ovo nije brod… Whaaaaaat?!? Iako destruction efekti nisu popularni, Walker može čuvati bilo koju Kozmo kartu od destructiona i preusmjeriti efekt na bilo koju drugu Kozmo kartu. Nije loše za izvlačenje najboljeg iz Kozmotowna, Dark Destroyera, Wickedwitch itd.


Continuous Trap Card
Monsters destroyed in battle by “Kozmo” monsters you control are shuffled into the Deck instead of being sent to the Graveyard. You can banish this card from your Graveyard; this turn, the first time you would take battle damage from a battle involving a “Kozmo” monster you control, you gain that much LP instead.

Battle trap je, pa vjerojatno neće biti previše popularan. Pretpostavljam da bi bio dosta koristan u BA PK i mirror match-upima. Drugi efekt vraća nešto LP-a koji deck baca na apsolutno sve, vjerojatno kad vam protivnik gazi pilota. Ništa preimpresivno.
I to je to. Dark Planet ima veliki potencijal, Dark Lady će biti super karta i. kako su oboje secret, mogli bi vrijediti. Nitko nije očekivao da će posljednji wave supporta biti game-breaking, pa je ovo što su dobili sasvim ok. Indirektni support u obliku Fire King Islanda će biti puno važniji za deck. Star Wars x Wizard of Oz vjerojatno završava svoje putovanje ovdje.


Monarchsi moraju umrijet.



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