Nagrade za svjetske pobjednike!

Otkrivene su pobjedničke karte na Svjetskom prvenstvu koji se ovaj vikend odvija u Tokyu, Japan! Naravno da su XYZ, ali im je efekt sličan onima što i inače to bude za ovakve karte. Ukoliko vam jedan od ovih monstera spusti životne bodove na nulu tijekom duela, gubite cijeli meč. Ne brinite, one se u principu ne mogu igrati već su tu kao nagrada i to vrlo rijekta i skupa nagrada. 🙂

Japanac Saito diže svjetsko prvenstvo s Inzektor deckom, protiv Talijana Memolija isto s Inzektor deckom.

2012-EN001 Legendary Dragon of White
LIGHT/Dragon – Xyz – Effect/Rank 8/3000/2500
3 Level 8 monsters
Must be Xyz Summoned and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. If this card attacks your opponent directly and reduces their Life Points to 0, while it has an Xyz Material attached that was originally Dragon-Type, you win the Match.
Ultra Rare
2012-EN001 Legendary Dragon of White

2012-EN002 Legendary Magician of Dark
DARK/Spellcaster – Xyz – Effect/Rank 7/2500/2100
3 Level 7 monsters
Mus be Xyz Summoned and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. If this card attacks your opponent directly and reduces their Life Points to 0, while it has an Xyz Material attached that was originally Spellcaster-Type, you win the Match.
Ultra Rare
2012-EN002 Legendary Magician of Dar

white dragon

Glavni urednik Yugioh Planet portala i državni prvak 2007. godine.



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