Datum održavanja: 12.10.2019 (subota)
Početak prijava: 10h
Početak turnira: 10.45h
Lokacija: Dućan Carta Magica, Frankopanska 24, Zagreb
Upad: 70 kn
Pravo sudjelovanja:
- Sudjelovati smiju svi PREDREGISTRIRANI igrači
- Predregistracija: LINK
- Predregistracije otvorene do 4.10.2019 23.59h
- Predregistracija se radi tako da se prilikom odabira eventa odabere event “REGISTER for WCQ Regionals”
- Igrači koji su se predregistrirali, a nisu došli na turnir ili otkazali predregistraciju do vremena zatvaranja predregistracija (preko iste stranice na kojoj su se predregistrirali) će izgubiti pravo predregistracije za buduće evente – otkazivanje predregistracije se radi tako da se odabere opcija “Update Registration”, iz odabira se ukloni event “REGISTER for WCQ Regionals” i umjesto njega se odabere event “UNREGISTER from WCQ Regionals”
- Igrači koji nisu predregistrirani će moći sudjelovati samo ako će biti mjesta na turniru te će njihove prijave biti uživo na dan turnira po redu dolaska
- na upadu se dobivaju 1 booster Rising Rampage i 1 OTS Pack 11 booster
- na kraju swiss dijela turnira nagrade prema poretku:
- TOP4 – deckbox
- TOP8 – playmat
- na svakih 8 igrača koji sudjeluju na turniru, 1 je kvalificiran na Europsko prvenstvo 2020. godine, prema poretku, a ako je među njima netko već kvalificiran, kvalifikacijsko mjesto se pomiče na slijedećeg po poretku koji nije kvalificiran
- na kraju turnira (nakon TOP4/TOP8) dodatne nagrade (izračunato za odaziv od 30 igrača; manje igrača znači manje nagrade više igrača znači više nagrada):
- 1. 24 boostera Rising Rampage + 3 OTS Pack 11 boostera
- 2. 12 boostera Rising Rampage + 3 OTS Pack 11 boostera
- 3.-4. 6 boostera Rising Rampage + 2 OTS Pack 11 boostera
- 5.-8. 3 boostera Rising Rampage + 1 OTS Pack 11 booster
Deck liste
Mitja Kač – 1. mjesto
Main Deck: 41
Monsters: 23
3x Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic
3x Magister of Endymion
3x Servant of Endymion
2x Reflection of Endymion
3x Mythical Beast Jackal
3x Mythical Beast Jackal King
3x Mythical Beast Master Cerberus
1x Mythical Beast Garuda
2x Kai-Den Kendo Spirit
Spells: 18
3x Into the Void
3x Mythical Institution
3x Pot of Desires
3x Spell Power Mastery
1x Super Polymerization
1x Secret Village of the Spellcasters
1x Terraforming
1x Upstart Goblin
1x Magical Citadel of Endymion
1x Mythical Beastiary
Extra Deck: 15
1x Black Luster Soldier – Soldier of Chaos
1x Borreload Dragon
1x Borrelsword Dragon
1x Crusadia Equimax
1x Day-Breaker the Shining Magical Warrior
1x Heavymetalfoes Electrumite
1x Linkuriboh
1x Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax
1x Mudragon of the Swamp
1x Predaplant Dragostapelia
1x Salamangreat Violet Chimera
1x Saryuja Skull Dread
1x Starving Venom Fusion Dragon
1x Underclock Taker
1x Wee Witch’s Apprentice
Side Deck: 15
1x Amorphage Sloth
3x Dark Ruler No More
3x Denko Sekka
3x Evenly Matched
1x Secret Village of the Spellcasters
2x Super Polymerization
2x The Winged Dragon of Ra – Sphere Mode
3x Mythical Beast Master Cerberus
Filip Ljubičić – 2. mjesto
Main Deck: 45
Monsters: 27
1x Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic
3x Servant of Endymion
2x Mythical Beast Jackal King
3x Chronograph Sorcerer
1x Aether, the Evil Empowering Dragon
2x Harmonizing Magician
2x Purple Poison Magician
1x Dragonpit Magician
1x Timegazer Magician
3x Supreme King Dragon Darkwurm
2x Supreme King Gate Zero
3x Mist Valley Apex Avian
Spells: 18
3x Pot of Desires
3x Allure of Darkness
3x Spell Power Mastery
2x Duelist Alliance
2x Pendulum Call
2x Dragon Shrine
1x Foolish Burial
1x Upstart Goblin
1x Secret Village of the Spellcasters
Extra Deck: 15
1x Heavymetalfoes Electrumite
1x Guardragon Elpy
1x Guardragon Agarpain
1x Triple Burst Dragon
1x Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon
1x Hieratic Seal of Heavenly Spheres
1x PSY-Framelord Lambda
1x Wee Witch’s Apprentice
1x Borrelsword Dragon
1x Borreload Dragon
1x Abyss Dweller
1x Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion
1x Tornado Dragon
1x Borreload Savage Dragon
1x Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend
Side Deck: 15
2x Denko Sekka
1x Dinowrestler Pankratops
3x Lava Golem
1x Secret Village of the Spellcasters
3x Dark Ruler No More
2x Evenly Matched
3x Red Reboot
Top 4 – Alen Kazalac
Main Deck: 40
Monsters: 6
3x Sky Striker Ace – Raye
3x Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Spells: 30
3x Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage!
3x Sky Striker Mecha – Widow Anchor
3x Sky Striker Airspace – Area Zero
2x Sky Striker Mecha – Shark Cannon
1x Sky Striker Mecha – Hornet Drones
1x Sky Striker Mecharmory – Hercules Base
1x Sky Striker Modules – Multirole
1x Sky Striker Manuever – Afterburners!
1x Sky Striker Manuever – Jamming Waves!
1x Sky Striker Mecha – Eagle Booster
3x Foolish Burial Goods
3x Cosmic Cyclone
2x Mystic Mine
1x Terraforming
1x Set Rotation
1x Upstart Goblin
1x Reinforcement of the Army
1x Metalfoes Fusion
Traps: 4
3x Infinite Impermanence
1x Metaverse
Extra Deck: 15
3x Sky Striker Ace – Shizuku
3x Sky Striker Ace – Hayate
1x Sky Striker Ace – Kagari
1x Sky Striker Ace – Kaina
1x Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze
1x Knightmare Phoenix
1x Knightmare Unicorn
1x Ningirsu, the World Chalice Warrior
1x Topologic Bomber Dragon
1x Borrelsword Dragon
1x Starving Venom Fusion Dragon
Side Deck: 15
3x Super Polymerization
3x Artifact Sanctum
2x There can be only One
3x Twin Twister
1x Artifact Scythe
3x Nibiru, the Primal Being
Top 4 – Ivan Bodrožić
Main Deck: 40
Monsters: 21
3x Salamangreat Foxy
3x Salamangreat Spinny
2x Salamangreat Jack Jaguar
1x Salamangreat Falco
1x Salamangreat Fowl
1x Salamangreat Gazelle
3x Flame Bufferlo
3x Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
2x Nibiru, the Primal Being
2x Sea Archiver
Spells: 12
3x Cynet Mining
2x Pot of Desires
2x Cosmic Cyclone
3x Will of the Salamangreat
1x Salamangreat Circle
1x Salamangreat Sanctuary
Traps: 7
3x Infinite Impermanence
2x Salamangreat Rage
2x Salamangreat Roar
Extra Deck: 15
2x Salamangreat Miragestallio
1x Abyss Dweller
1x Tornado Dragon
3x Salamangreat Balelynx
3x Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf
2x Salamangreat Heatleo
1x Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze
1x Knightmare Phoenix
1x Borreload Dragon
Side Deck: 15
3x Artifact Lancea
3x Evenly Matched
2x D.D. Crow
2x Mind Control
2x Twin Twisters
1x Nibiru, the Primal Being
1x Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon
1x Imperial Order
Top 8 – Dominik Horvat
Main Deck: 42
Monsters: 27
3x Nibiru, the Primal Being
3x Orcust Harp Horror
2x Orcust Cymbal Skeleton
2x Danger! Nessie!
2x Danger!? Jackalope?
2x Danger!? Tsuchinoko?
2x Orcust Knightmare
2x Knightmare Corruptor Iblee
2x Scrap Recycler
2x Tenyi Spirit – Vishuda
2x Linkslayer
1x World Legacy – “World Wand”
1x Armageddon Knight
1x Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher
Spells: 14
3x Cosmic Cyclone
3x Orcustrated Return
3x Instant Fusion
3x Called by the Grave
1x Orcustrated Babel
1x Foolish Burial
Traps: 1
1x Orcust Crescendo
Extra Deck: 15
1x Monk of the Tenyi
1x Knightmare Mermaid
1x Knightmare Cerberus
1x Knightmare Phoenix
3x Galatea, the Orcust Automaton
1x Longirsu, the Orcust Orchestrator
2x Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star
1x Topologic Trisbaena
1x Black Luster Soldier – Soldier of Chaos
1x Thousand-Eyes Restrict
1x El Shaddoll Winda
1x Borrelsword Dragon
Side Deck: 15
3x Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay
3x Mind Control
3x Mystic Mine
3x Twin Twisters
3x Red Reboot
Top 8 – Luka Forjan
Main Deck: 40
Monsters: 6
3x Sky Striker Ace – Raye
3x Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Spells: 28
3x Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage!
3x Sky Striker Mecha – Widow Anchor
3x Sky Striker Airspace – Area Zero
2x Sky Striker Mecha – Shark Cannon
1x Sky Striker Mecha – Eagle Booster
1x Sky Striker Mecha – Hornet Drones
1x Sky Striker Manuever – Afterburners!
1x Sky Striker Manuever – Jamming Waves!
1x Sky Striker Mecharmory – Hercules Base
1x Sky Striker Modules – Multirole
3x Cosmic Cyclone
2x Foolish Burial Goods
1x Metalfoes Fusion
1x Upstart Goblin
1x Terraforming
1x Reinforcement of the Army
2x Pot of Desires
Traps: 6
3x Infinite Impermanence
3x Solemn Strike
Extra Deck: 15
3x Sky Striker Ace – Shizuku
3x Sky Striker Ace – Hayate
1x Sky Striker Ace – Kagari
1x Sky Striker – Kaina
1x Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze
1x Knightmare Phoenix
1x Knightmare Unicorn
1x Ningirsu, the World Chalice Warrior
1x Topologic Bomber Dragon
1x Borrelsword Dragon
1x Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Side Deck: 15
3x Artifact Lancea
3x D.D. Crow
3x Shared Ride
3x Summon Limit
3x Twin Twisters
Top 8 – Marin Šipek
Main Deck: 40
Monsters: 31
3x Thunder Dragon
3x Thunder Dragondark
3x Thunder Dragonroar
3x Thunder Dragonhawk
3x Thunder Dragonmatrix
2x Thunder Dragonduo
3x Aloof Lupine
2x Batteryman Solar
3x Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3x Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion
3x Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay
Spells: 9
3x Allure of Darkness
2x Pot of Desires
2x Thunder Dragon Fusion
1x Upstart Goblin
1x Gold Sarcophagus
Extra Deck: 15
3x Thunder Dragon Colossus
3x Thunder Dragon Titan
1x Linkuriboh
1x Some Summer Summoner
1x Wee Witch’s Apprentice
1x Knightmare Unicorn
1x Black Luster Soldier – Soldier of Chaos
1x Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
1x Salamangreat Violet Chimera
1x Starving Venom Fusion Dragon
1x Number 68: Sanaphond the Sky Prison
Side Deck: 15
3x Denko Sekka
3x Artifact Lancea
3x Twin Twisters
2x Super Polymerization
1x Imperial Order
3x Nibiru, the Primal Being
Top 8 – Geoff Anthony Valčić
Main Deck: 41
Monsters: 26
3x Salamangreat Foxy
3x Salamangreat Spinny
2x Salamangreat Jack Jaguar
1x Salamangreat Falco
1x Salamangreat Fowl
1x Salamangreat Gazelle
3x Flame Bufferlo
3x Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3x Nibiru, the Primal Being
2x Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay
2x Sea Archiver
2x Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher
Spells: 11
3x Cynet Mining
3x Enemy Controller
3x Will of the Salamangreat
1x Salamangreat Circle
1x Salamangreat sanctuary
Traps: 4
2x Salamangreat Rage
2x Salamangreat Roar
Extra Deck: 15
1x Salamangreat Miragestallio
1x Abyss Dweller
3x Salamangreat Balelynx
3x Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf
2x Salamangreat Heatleo
1x Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze
1x Knightmare Phoenix
1x Update Jammer
1x Borreload Dragon
1x Borrelsword Dragon
Side Deck: 15
3x Artifact Lancea
3x Gnomaterial
1x Artifact Scythe
3x Twin Twister
2x Mind Control
3x Artifact Sanctum