Najava: Structure deck – Dragons Collide

Konami je već najavio novi structure deck koji dolazi sredinom veljače sljedeće godine! Tema će biti zmajevi – i to oni posebni – Light&Dark Zmajevi! Light i Dark Zmajevi napokon su rješili svoje razlike i udružili se u decku koji donosi nove stvari! Mi znamo što donosi taj deck, pročitaj više 😉

Bazirati će se na Light, Dark i Dragon monsterima te će im donijeti dodatni support. Također će donijeti pet novih nikad viđenih karata od kojih će dvije biti ultra rare, a jedna super rare!

Nove karte:

Light-Pulsar Dragon (Ultra Rare)
ATK/2500 DEF/1500
You can banish from your Graveyard 1 LIGHT monster and 1 DARK monster, and Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can send, from your hand to the Graveyard, 1 LIGHT monster and 1 DARK monster, and Special Summon this card (from your Graveyard). If this card is sent from the field to your Graveyard: target 1 Level 5 or higher DARK Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target.

Dark-Flare Dragon (Ultra Rare)
ATK/2400 DEF/1200
You can banish, from your Graveyard, 1 LIGHT monster and 1 DARK monster, and Special Summon this card (from your hand). Once per turn: you can send to the Graveyard 1 Dragon-Type monster each from your hand and your Deck, then target 1 card in either Graveyard; banish that target. 

Eclipse Wyvern (Super Rare)
ATK/1600 DEF/1000
If this card is sent to the Graveyard: Banish 1 Level 7 or higher LIGHT or DARK Dragon-Type monster from your Deck. If this card is banished from your Graveyard after that effect resolves: you can add that monster to your hand.

Chaos Zone
Field Spell Card
Each time 1 or more monsters are banished, put Chaos Counters on this card equal to the number banished. Once per turn: You can remove 4 or more Chaos Counters from this card and target 1 banished monster whose Level is the number of counters removed; Special Summon that target. When this card on the field is sent to the Graveyard by an opponent’s effect: you can add to your hand 1 LIGHT or DARK monster from your Deck whose Level is equal to or lower than the number of Chaos Counters that were on this card when it was sent to the Graveyard.

Ryuu no Tensei
Normal Trap Card
Target 1 face-up Dragon-Type monster you control; Banish that target, then Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster from your hand or Graveyard.

Od reprintova, može se očekivati:

  • Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
  • Blue-Eyes White Dragon
  • The White Stone of Legend
  • Light of Redemption
  • Chaos Sorcerer
  • Burst Stream of Destruction
  • Inferno Fire Blast
  • Red-Eyes B. Chick
  • Escape from the Dark Dimension
  • Red-Eyes B. Dragon

Ovdje vidimo mnogo zanimljivih karata. Neke od njih imaju potencijala, što vi mislite? Kako vam se sviđa ovaj deck nakon DW decka? 🙂

white dragon

Glavni urednik Yugioh Planet portala i državni prvak 2007. godine.

9 misli o “Najava: Structure deck – Dragons Collide

  1. @ Suli — wtf ?!? Dont you dare !

    @ tema — it’s about F****** time (!) da Dragoni dobiju svoj pravi suport ! Više manje … 5+

  2. DRAMA!!!!Ako ga uzmem ne samo da cu dobit Red-Eyes i Blu-Eyes nego cu dobit i drama deck……drama…

  3. Blue-Eyes i Red-Eyes mislim njih za Malefic deck zaboravio sam napisat…

  4. yugioh tcg nikako da se riješi blue-eyesa XD on ima kolko,jedno 20-ak reprintova? a isto sam vidio da bi u ovome decku mogao biti i DAD , konačno kao commons

  5. Ako će netko od vas kupit taj structure platit ću (po dogovorenoj cijeni)the white stone of legend i ako netko od vas ima the white stone ili ancient rules treba mi pa se možemo dogovorit za cijenu za to dvoje ali samo ak ste u Zagrebu

  6. cjena je nebitna samo se nadam da dolaze 3 bjela heh a i ako ne dolaze kupicu dek vise da bi imao 3 jedna od karata koja vjecito zivi to je karta koja nije ni najaca ni naj slabija jednostavno njegova snaga ovisi o deku kom se nalazi

  7. izlazi u dewcku Lyla reprint LOL WTF A taman sa mje kupio Fuc*ing konami


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