COTW-zmajoo prži!

Pozz svima, nakon što je serija članaka COTW (card of the week) pala u zaborav, odlučio sam je osvježiti novom kartom, koja je izašla tamo negdje u YuGiOh GX animeu,
a njegov vlasnik je Zane Truesdale.
To je zapravo jedna od glavnih karata na kojoj je njegov deck utemeljen, a to je Cyber Dragon.

Ovo je inače jedna od rijetkih, a možda i jedina (nisam 100% siguran) karta koja dolazi u dvije “verzije”, dark i light.
Pa da krenemo…

CyberDragon 1CyberDragon 2

Level CG StarCG StarCG StarCG StarCG Star


If your opponent controls a monster and you control no monsters, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand).

Da, jedan jako jednostavan effect, ali s kojim možemo (osim samog Cyber Dragona) na polje staviti zaista snažne monstere, evo kako…
Jedan od najjednostavnijih načina je korištenje Different Dimension Capsule, i tako na polje možemo postaviti Cyber Twin Dragona, ili čak Cyber End Dragona.

Different Dimension Capsule

dd capsule

Type Spell Card SPELL
Property Normal Normal
Card effect types
  • Effect
  • Continuous


Select 1 card from your Deck and remove it from play face-down. During your 2nd Standby Phase after activation, destroy this card and add the removed card to your hand.

Naravno da bi ovo uspjelo trebamo imati Different Dimension Capsule, jednoga Cybera odbacite, kasnije se vratiti, uzuvjet da imate na polju jednoga Cyber Dragona,
i još jednoga u ruci, i ako imate sreće još dva monstera na feild-u… i zabava može početi.

I naravno, kako bi vaš Cyber Twin Dragon/Cyber End Dragon imao što više ATK, možete koristiti karte tipa Power Bond ili Megamorph.

Power Bond

Power Bond

Type Spell Card SPELL
Property Normal Normal
Card effect types
  • Effect
  • Lingering


Fusion Summon 1 Machine-Type Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters from your hand or your side of the field as Fusion Materials, and it gains ATK equal to its original ATK.
During the End Phase of the turn this card is activated, you take damage equal to the amount of ATK gained from this effect at the time of the Summon.


Type Spell Card SPELL
Property Equip Equip
Card effect types
  • Continuous
  • Continuous


While your Life Points are lower than your opponent’s, the equipped monster’s ATK becomes double its original ATK.
While your Life Points are higher, the equipped monster’s ATK becomes half its original ATK.


I to bi bilo sve za ovaj COTW, što mislite o Cyber Dragonu, je li vrijedan igranja u drugim deckovima, napišite u komentarima.

Jedna misao o “COTW-zmajoo prži!

  1. cuj nije ti losa ideja, ali ti je izvedba koma…
    aa cyber dragoni…nisu losi, bas zabavni i sve ali ja mislim da trebas srece da “uspijes” s tim deckom


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