Pozdrav svima! Nakon krace stanke odlucio sam napraviti COTW- ili vam ga card of the week. Za danasnji COTW sam izabrao jednu jako staru kartu, veoma slicnu poznatoj Exodiji, a to je Exodius the ultimate forbidden lord.
Special power:
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by shuffling all monsters in your Graveyard into the Deck, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. When this card declares an attack: Send 1 monster from your hand or Deck to the Graveyard. This card gains 1000 ATK for each Normal Monster in your Graveyard. If this face-up card would leave the field, banish it instead. If there are 5 different “Forbidden One” cards in your Graveyard that were sent there by this card’s effect, you win the Duel.
Znaci, ne moze biti special summonan ili setan. Mora biti special summonovan (iz ruke) tako da se svi monsteri iz graveyarda vrate u decki ne moze biti special summonovan na druge nacine. Kada ova karta napada, moras odbaciti jednog monstera iz ruke ili decka u graveyard.
Ova karta dobiva 1000 ATK za svakog normal monstera u graveyardu. Ako ova karta napusta polje (unistena ili bilo sto drugo) banish je umjesto slanja na graveyaed. Ako je pet dijelova “forbidden one” poslano u graveyard uz pomoc ove karte, pobijedio si duel.
Cijena karte:
Ultra rare/Limited edition 10$-12$
Super rare 2$-4$
Common 1$-2$
Ovdje su dvije zanimljive deck liste pa ako vas zanima, pogledajte.
Monsters: 32
Left Leg of the Forbidden One
Right Leg of the Forbidden One
Right Arm of the Forbidden One
Left Arm of the Forbidden One
Exodia the Forbidden One
Herald of Perfection x3
Mokey Mokey x2
Mystical Shine Ball x3
Spirit of the Harp x2
Gyakutenno Megami
Herald of Orange Light x3
Marshmallon x2
Nova Summoner x3
Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands x3
Tethys, Goddess of Light x2
Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord x2
Spells: 8
Advanced Ritual Art
Dawn of the Herald
Preparation of Rites x2
Pot of Avarice
Dark Hole
Heavy Storm
Gold Sarcophagus
1 Deep Diver
1 Emissary of the Afterlife
1 Exodia Necross
1 Exodia the Forbidden One
1 Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord
1 Left Arm of the Forbidden One
1 Left Leg of the Forbidden One
1 Right Arm of the Forbidden One
1 Right Leg of the Forbidden One
1 Sangan
1 Vortex Trooper
Spells [11]
1 Array of Revealing Light
1 Attraffic Control
1 Contract with Exodia
1 Dark Eruption
1 Gold Sarcophagus
1 Hand Destruction
2 Level Limit – Area B
1 Magic Planter
3 Nightmare’s Steelcage
1 Painful Choice
2 Swords of Revealing Light
Spells [15]
3 Changing Destiny
3 Draining Shield
1 Gravity Bind
2 Magic Cylinder
1 Mirror Force
3 Negate Attack
1 Wall of Revealing Light
Ovdje ce te pronaci par savjeta kako igrati sa ovom kartom.
*Jednostavno je pronadite u decku sa kartama “Dogu”, “Single Purchase”, “Chaos Zone”, “Spellbook Star Hall” i “Justice of Prophecy”.
*Ako pokusate sa “automatskom pobjedom”, morate znati da “Soul Release” lako moze unistiti vas plan.
*Ako je ova karta unistena prije “automatske pobijede”, lako mozete iskoristiti “Backup Soldier-a” kako bi sve dijelove Exodie vratili u ruku.
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