Nastavljamo u zabavnom raspoloženju. Kao i svakog utorka i petka, vrijeme je za našu rubriku “Pogodi kartu”. Kao i obično, pogađate imena karte te nekoliko zadataka u dolje navedenom pitanju 🙂 Odgovori u rješenja.
Pogodi kartu, 24.3.:
1 ) Activate 1 or both of these effects:
●When an opponent’s monster declares an attack: Target the attacking monster; change that target to Defense Position.
●Target 1 face-up monster you control; equip this card to that target. It gains 500 ATK.
2 ) Once per turn, during either player’s turn, when a monster effect is activated on your opponent’s side of the field: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; negate the effect, and if you do, inflict 1000 damage to your opponent.
3 ) A Fusion Summon of this card can only be done with the above Fusion Material Monsters. Once per turn, during either player’s turn, if this face-up card on the field is targeted by a Spell Card, Trap Card, or monster effect: You can discard the same type of card (Spell, Trap or Monster Card); negate the effect.
4 ) Equip only to a “Crystal Beast” monster. It gains 800 ATK. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: You can place 1 “Crystal Beast” monster from your Deck face-up in your Spell & Trap Card Zone as a Continuous Spell Card.
1. U Xyz monstera pod brojem 2 spajamo 2 Monstera Levela ___.
2. Koliko Crystal Beastova možemo imati maksimalno na svojoj strani polja uz uvjet da nam je 1 Monster equipan kartom pod brojem 4? ___.
3. Uz koji se tip Monstera veže sljedeća karta?
a ) Synchro b ) Xyz c ) Fusion
1 )Kunai with Chain
2) Photon Strike Bounzer
3) Arcana Knight Joker
4) Crystal Release
1. 6
2. 9
3. c)
1 )Kunai with Chain
2) Photon Strike Bounzer
3) Arcana Knight Joker
4) Crystal Release
1. 6
2. 9
3. c)
ahhahah ja nista samo power bond
ahhahah ja nista samo power bond
Prvi je pogodio @David Brajković, čestitamo!