Moj Agent Fairy Deck

22 Monsters:

Master Hyperion 3x

The Agent Of Miracles-Jupiter 3x

The Agent Of Mystery-Earth 2x

Archlord Krystia 2x

Herald of Orange Light 3x

Honest 1x

The Agent of Creation-Venus 2x

Mystical Shine Ball 3x

Marshmallon 1x

Zeradias,Herald Of Heaven 2x

10 Spell

The Sanctuary In The Sky 3x

Lighting Vortex 1x

Valhalla,Hall Of The Failen 2x

Gold Sarcophagus 1x

Pot Of Duality 2x

Heavy Storm 1x

8 Trap

Miraculous Descent 1x

Mirror Force 1x

Torrential Tribute 1x

Solemn Judgment 1x

Solemn Warning 1x

Return From The Different Dimension 1x

Scrap Iron Scarecrow 1x

Beckoning Light 1x

Ocjenite od 1 do 5 🙂



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