Uskoro u prodaji: Lost Sancutary Structure Deck


Stiže vaša šansa da postanete zvjezdani igrač u svemirskom sukobu koji se vodi diljem cijelog Sunčevog sustava! Novi structure deck postavlja vas u ulogu vladara cijelih planeta – možete upravljati Agentima – zbirkom vanzemaljskih čudovišta koja su bazirana na planetama našeg Sunčevog sustava! Predvođeni „Master Hyperionom“, utjelovljenjem sunčevog gnjegva, vaši Agenti vodit će rat iz svoje nebeske tvrđave.

U decku Lost Sanctuary ponaći ćete mnoga odlična LIGHT čudovišta, uključujući vrlo tražene karte poput Honest, Athena i Tethys, Goddess of Light, a tu su i nevjerojatne nove karte poput Cards From the Sky. Od popularnih trap karata deck će sadržavati Solemn Judgment i Divine Punishment.

Deck se sastoji od ukupno 40 karata unaprijed pripremljenih za igru. Uz to tu su pravila igre, strateški vodič za deck i podloga za igru.

Popis karata:

SDLS-EN001 Master Hyperion
LIGHT/Fairy – Effect/8/2700/2100
You can Special Summon this card from your hand by removing from play 1 “The Agent” monster in your hand, field or Graveyard. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 LIGHT Fairy-Type monster from your Graveyard to select 1 card on the field, and destroy it. If “The Sanctuary in the Sky” is face-up on the field, you can activate this effect up to twice per turn.
Ultra Rare

SDLS-EN002 The Agent of Mystery – Earth
LIGHT/Fairy – Tuner/2/1000/800
When this card is Normal Summoned, you can add 1 “The Agent” monster from your Deck to your hand, except “The Agent of Mystery – Earth”. While “The Sanctuary in the Sky” is face-up on the field, you can add 1 “Master Hyperion” from your Deck to your hand instead.
Super Rare

SDLS-EN003 The Agent of Miracles – Jupiter
LIGHT/Fairy – Effet/4/1800/1000
Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 “The Agent” monster in your Graveyard to select 1 face-up LIGHT Fairy-Type monster you control. The selected monster gains 800 ATK until the End Phase. While “The Sanctuary in the Sky” is face-up on the field, once per turn, you can discard 1 Fairy-Type monster to select 1 of your removed from play LIGHT Fairy-Type monster, and Special Summon it.
Super Rare

SDLS-EN004 The Agent of Judgment – Saturn
SDLS-EN005 The Agent of Wisdom – Mercury
SDLS-EN006 The Agent of Creation – Venus
SDLS-EN007 The Agent of Force – Mars
SDLS-EN008 Mystical Shine Ball
SDLS-EN009 Splendid Venus
SDLS-EN010 Tethys, Goddess of Light
SDLS-EN011 Victoria
SDLS-EN012 Athena
SDLS-EN013 Marshmallon
SDLS-EN014 Hecatris
SDLS-EN015 Shining Angel
SDLS-EN016 Soul of Purity and Light
SDLS-EN017 Airknight Parshath
SDLS-EN018 Nova Summoner
SDLS-EN019 Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
SDLS-EN020 Honest
SDLS-EN021 Hanewata
SDLS-EN022 Consecrated Light

SDLS-EN023 Cards from the Sky
Normal Spell Card
Remove from play 1 LIGHT Fairy-Type monster in your hand and draw 2 cards. You cannot Special Summon or conduct your Battle Phase the turn you activate this card.

SDLS-EN024 Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen
SDLS-EN025 Terraforming
SDLS-EN026 Smashing Ground
SDLS-EN027 The Sanctuary in the Sky x2
SDLS-EN028 Celestial Transformation
SDLS-EN029 Burial from a Different Dimension
SDLS-EN030 Mausoleum of the Emperor
SDLS-EN031 Solidarity
SDLS-EN032 The Fountain in the Sky

SDLS-EN033 Divine Punishment
Counter Trap Card
Activate only if “The Sanctuary in the Sky” is face-up on the field. Negate the activation of a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Effect Monster’s effect, and destroy that card.

SDLS-EN034 Return from the Different Dimension
SDLS-EN035 Torrential Tribute
SDLS-EN036 Beckoning Light
SDLS-EN037 Miraculous Descent x2
SDLS-EN038 Solemn Judgment

Osobno mi se jako sviđaju Agenti koji su tematski napravljeni po planetima, ovaj support za njih je odličan! Mislite da imaju đšanse za postati barem T2 deck?

white dragon

Glavni urednik Yugioh Planet portala i državni prvak 2007. godine.



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