Uskoro u prodaji: Gold Series 4

Gold Series4: The Pyramid Edition

Gold Series upravo je dobila još jedno proširenje, koje uključuje mnogo teško dobavljivih karata. Prošla tri izdanja Gold Series uključivala su ponovno izdanje karata koje je teško pronaći, poput Dark Armed Dragona, Judgment Dragona pa čak i Blackwing Synchro čudovišta. Neke karte iz Gold Series 4 edicije već su potvrđene, a među njima su Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginnning, Chaos Sorcerer, Morphling Jar, Royal Oppression i tako dalje.

Da stvari budu još zanimljivije, svaki paket Gold Series 4 sadržavat će i jednu od tri različite unikatne podloge za igru! Ovaj uzbudljivi proizvod u trgovinama moći ćete pronaći od sredine sljedećeg tjedna.


Popis karata:

GLD4-EN001 Millennium Shield
GLD4-EN002 Pendulum Machine
GLD4-EN003 The Wicked Worm Beast
GLD4-EN004 Goddess with the Third Eye
GLD4-EN005 Beastking of the Swamps
GLD4-EN006 Versago the Destroyer
GLD4-EN007 Morphing Jar Gold Rare
GLD4-EN008 Goddess of Whim
GLD4-EN009 Injection Fairy Lily
GLD4-EN010 Gravekeeper’s Spy Gold Rare
GLD4-EN011 Spirit Reaper Gold Rare
GLD4-EN012 Chaos Sorcerer Gold Rare
GLD4-EN013 Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning Gold Rare
GLD4-EN014 White-Horned Dragon
GLD4-EN015 Toon Dark Magician Girl
GLD4-EN016 Meltiel, Sage of the Sky
GLD4-EN017 Radiant Jeral
GLD4-EN018 Diabolos, King of the Abyss
GLD4-EN019 Lich Lord, King of the Underworld
GLD4-EN020 Prometheus, King of the Shadows
GLD4-EN021 Mormolith
GLD4-EN022 Darklord Zerato Gold Rare
GLD4-EN023 Doomcaliber Knight Gold Rare
GLD4-EN024 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter Gold Rare
GLD4-EN025 Celestia, Lightsworn Angel Gold Rare
GLD4-EN026 Tytannial, Princess of Camellias Gold Rare
GLD4-EN027 Summoner Monk Gold Rare
GLD4-EN028 Genesis Dragon
GLD4-EN029 Orichalcos Shunoros
GLD4-EN030 Obelisk the Tormentor Gold Rare
GLD4-EN031 Five-Headed Dragon Gold Rare
GLD4-EN032 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus Gold Rare
GLD4-EN033 Eternal Drought
GLD4-EN034 Eradicating Aerosol
GLD4-EN035 Soul Exchange
GLD4-EN036 Toon World
GLD4-EN037 Graceful Dice
GLD4-EN038 Sage’s Stone
GLD4-EN039 Toon Table of Contents Gold Rare
GLD4-EN040 Pot of Avarice Gold Rare
GLD4-EN041 Recurring Nightmare
GLD4-EN042 Sword of Dark Rites
GLD4-EN043 Trade-In
GLD4-EN044 Magic Formula
GLD4-EN045 Robbin’ Goblin
GLD4-EN046 Skull Dice
GLD4-EN047 Royal Oppression Gold Rare
GLD4-EN048 Xing Zhen Hu
GLD4-EN049 Deck Devastation Virus
GLD4-EN050 Trap Stun Gold Rare

GLD4-EN002 Pendulum Machine
A horrible torture machine with a large pendulum blade.

GLD4-EN033 Eternal Drought
Normal Spell Card
Destroy all face-up Fish-Type monsters on the field.

GLD4-EN034 Eradicating Aerosol
Normal Spell Card
Destroy all face-up Insect-Type monsters on the field.

white dragon

Glavni urednik Yugioh Planet portala i državni prvak 2007. godine.

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