Starter deck: XYZ Symphony

Gotovo smo zaboravili najaviti novi starter deck! Starter deck za 2012. godinue je XYZ Symphony te bi ubrzo mogao doći i u prodaju kod nas! Deck sadrži 45 karte, podlogu za igranje i guide za početnike. Starter deck je odličan način za nove igrače koji žele početi igrati YuGiOh.

Deck sadrži 1 ultra rare, 4 super rare i 40 common karata. Većina karata je iz starijih edicija (nisu nove), ali ima čak 4 apsolutno nova XYZ čudovišta koja se ne mogu nigdje drugdje naći. To su uglavnom XYZ monster Ranka 4 i 3 te moramo reći kako se čine dosta zanimljiva. U nastavku slijedi popis karata i efekti novih XYZ monstera:

YS12-EN001 Alexandrite Dragon
YS12-EN002 Spirit of the Harp
YS12-EN003 Frostosaurus
YS12-EN004 Zubaba Knight
YS12-EN005 Ganbara Knight
YS12-EN006 Gogogo Golem
YS12-EN007 Gogogo Giant
YS12-EN008 Goblindbergh
YS12-EN009 Feedback Warrior
YS12-EN010 Shine Knight
YS12-EN011 Cyber Dragon
YS12-EN012 Trident Warrior
YS12-EN013 Chiron the Mage
YS12-EN014 Marauding Captain
YS12-EN015 Penguin Soldier
YS12-EN016 Sangan
YS12-EN017 Giant Rat x2
YS12-EN018 Shining Angel x2
YS12-EN019 Blustering Winds
YS12-EN020 Ego Boost
YS12-EN021 Xyz Energy
YS12-EN022 Star Changer
YS12-EN023 Swords of Revealing Light
YS12-EN024 Mystical Space Typhoon
YS12-EN025 Fissure
YS12-EN026 Gravity Axe
YS12-EN027 Reinforcement of the Army
YS12-EN028 Burden of the Mighty
YS12-EN029 Heartfelt Appeal
YS12-EN030 Xyz Effect
YS12-EN031 Raigeki Break
YS12-EN032 Trap Hole
YS12-EN033 Dust Tornado
YS12-EN034 Magic Cylinder
YS12-EN035 Draining Shield
YS12-EN036 Call of the Haunted
YS12-EN037 Limit Reverse
YS12-EN038 Seven Tools of the Bandit
YS12-EN039 Number 39: Utopia Ultra Rare

YS12-EN040 Muzurhythm the String Djinn
WIND/Fiend – Xyz – Effect/Rank 3/1500/1000
2 Level 3 monsters
During the Damage Step, when a “Djinn” Xyz Monster you control is attacking an oppponent’s monster: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; the attacking monster’s ATK is doubled until the End Phase. The effect of “Muzuzrythm the String Djinn” can only be used once per turn.
Super Rare
YS12-EN040 Muzurhythm the String Djinn

YS12-EN041 Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
EARTH/Fiend – Xyz – Effect/Rank 3/1700/1000
2 Level 3 monsters
Once per turn, during either player’s turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card to target 1 Xyz Monster your opponent controls; detach 1 Xyz Material from that monster, and all face-up “Djinn” Xyz Monsters you currently control gain 500 ATK.
Super Rare
YS12-EN041 Temtempo the Percussion Djinn

YS12-EN042 Melomelody the Brass Djinn
LIGHT/Fiend – Xyz – Effect/Rank 3/1400/1600
2 Level 3 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card to target 1 “Djinn” Xyz Monster you control; this turn, that monster can attack twice during each Battle Phase.
Super Rare
YS12-EN042 Melomelody the Brass Djinn

YS12-EN043 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
DARK/Fiend – Xyz – Effect/Rank 4/1800/2300
2 Level 4 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card to target 1 face-up Attack Position monster your opponent controls; change it to face-down Defense Position. If a face-up “Djinn” Xyz Monster you control would be destroyed, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from that monster instead.
Super Rare
YS12-EN043 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn

Kako vam se čini? 🙂

white dragon

Glavni urednik Yugioh Planet portala i državni prvak 2007. godine.

2 misli o “Starter deck: XYZ Symphony

  1. THIS IS AWESOME!!Najbolji starter deck do sada!A pogotovo je dobro sada kad nema više rulinga o priority pa će trap hole opet biti korisna.

  2. Da, protivnici će kao ludi normal summonati.

    Ali slažem se, ovaj deck je odličan. Dobiješ petinu extra decka!
    A vidim i neke lijepe toolbox karte.
    2 Shining Angela se definitivno slažu sa onim structure deckom sa Agentsima, što će iskoristiti najmlađi.
    A tu su i CyDra, 2 Giant Rata (ne sjećam se kad sam zadnji put vidio njih u starteru) i dobri stari Penguin Soldier. Kako je to nekada moglo zeznuti protivnika, kada mu vratiš Blue-Eyesa ili nekog Ritual monstera. 😀

    Jedva čekam.


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