Zadnje dane samo s nekim spoilerima izlazimo 🙂 Znate kako nam dolazi ubrzo Order of Chaos edicija, a upravo smo saznali da s njome dolazi i special edition pack! Paket od tri Order of Chaos boostera + jedna od dvije promo karte, a promo karte su: The Winged Dragon of RA i Effect Veiler!
Tako je! Dobro ste pročitali! Dvije užasno dobre karte postati će vrlo dostupne! No ne naglite, ovo izlazi tek u ožujku.
Također, ako niste znali, ova verzija božanskog čudovišta može se koristiti u duelima 🙂
Effect Veiler
During your opponent’s Main Phase, you can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard to select 1 face-up Effect Monster your opponent controls. Negate the effect(s) of that monster until the End Phase.
The Winged Dragon of RA
DIVINE/10/Divine Beast/Effect
This card cannot be Special Summoned. You must Tribute 3 monsters to Normal Summon this card (you cannot Set this card). The Normal Summon of this card cannot be negated. When this card is Normal Summoned, Spells, Traps and other monsters’ effects cannot be activated. When this card is Normal Summoned, you can pay Life Points so that you only have 100 left, to have this card gain ATK and DEF equal to the amount of Life Points paid. You can pay 1000 Life Points to select and destroy 1 monster on the field.
Što kažete? Hoćete li kupiti pokoji ORCS SE i pokušati nabaviti ove karte? 🙂
nije loše ali jedva čekam da u TCG uđe slifer 🙂