2010 Collectible Tin

Konami je ponovo pokazao da zna što radi. Objavili su tri collectible tina za ovu godinu, pretpostavlja se da će uz ova tri biti još dodatna tri. Pogledajte samo što donose ova tri tina!

Kao što smo rekli, objavili su tri različita tina koji sadrže slijedeće: (5 boostera + 5 karata)

1 pack of Stardust Overdrive
2 packs of Absolute Powerforce
2 packs of The Shining Darkness
1 Secret Rare card
4 Super Rare card

Sama struktura čini se odličnima, osobito ako se prisjetimo da su UDE-ovi tinovi imali samo boostere i jednu promo kartu. Izlaze 31.8.2010.

E sad. koji su to tinovi? Tri različita tina:


Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste 2010 Collectible Tin

Ovaj tin sadržavat će Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste kao secret rare kartu, ovo je prva karta koja se spominje iz tek najavljivane edicije The Duelist Revolution.

Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
WIND/Dragon – Fusion – Effect/10/3200/2000
1 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster + 1 Warrior-Type monster
This card can only be Special Summoned from the Extra Deck by Fusion Summon. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster from either player’s Graveyard, and this card is treated as being the same card as that monster and gains its effect(s) until the End Phase. Also, while this card is on the field in face-up Attack Position, any effect damage you would take as a result of opposing card effects is instead taken by your opponent.

Što se tiče super rare karata, zasada je poznata samo jedna od 4 koja će dolaziti s njom, a to je Dark Armed Dragon!

Majestic Red Dragon 2010 Collectible Tin

Ovaj će tin pak sadržavati Majestic Red Dragona, cover monster Absolute Powerforce boostera, kao secret rare kartu.

Majestic Red Dragon
DARK/Dragon – Synchro – Effect/10/4000/3000
“Majestic Dragon” + “Red Dragon Archfiend” + 1 non-Tuner monster
This card cannot be destroyed by card effects. If this card attacks, destroy all Defense Position monsters on the field after damage calculation. Once per turn, you can negate the effect(s) of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls and have this card gain ATK equal to the negated monster’s ATK, until the End Phase. During the End Phase, return this card from the field to the Extra Deck, and Special Summon 1 “Red Dragon Archfiend” from your Graveyard.

U ovom će tinu jedna od 4 super rare karte biti Elemental Hero Stratos!

Black-Winged Dragon 2010 Collectible Tin

Zadnji od tri tina sadržavat će Black-Winged Dragona kao secret rare kartu, inače cover monstera The Shining Darkness Boostera.

Black-Winged Dragon
DARK/Dragon – Synchro – Effect/8/2800/1600
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters.
Whenever you would take damage from a card effect, place 1 Black Feather Counter on this card instead. This card loses 700 ATK for each Black Feather Counter on it. Once per turn, you can remove all Black Feather Counters on this card to have 1 face-up monster your opponent controls lose 700 ATK for each Black Feather Counter, and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK lost by that monster because of this effect.

S njime, jedna od 4 super rare karata biti će Chimeratech Fortress Dragon!


Zašto Konami zna što radi?

Konami je napravio odličnu promociju svojih karata stavljajući karte iz crtića u prvi plan, a u drugi plan super rare karte koje se uglavnom koriste u ozbiljnim deckovima jer su igrivije nego secret rare karte u ovom slučaju. Isto tako probližili su jedan dobar dio karata koji nije tako pristupačan širim masama. Neću ni spominjati koliko treba krvariti da bi se dobio jedan Dark Armed Dragon. S ovim tinovima to se mijenja. Što se tiče ostalih nepoznatih super rare karata, nebih se čudio kada nebi bile toliko dobre kao ove do sada, no vidjet ćemo što će Konami odlučiti. Zasada jedino što možemo jest moliti se da ovi proizvodi dođu do nas 😀


white dragon

Glavni urednik Yugioh Planet portala i državni prvak 2007. godine.



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