Koji deck ove godine igrati, to većinom svi znaju i imaju na umu što žele, i što trebaju ove godine za državno.
E sad onaj teži dio. Što igrati u side decku ??? Po meni je ovo najteži dio slaganja decka,
Primjer, high tribute deck sam složio dan – dva prije Pharaoh Toura kao još jedan fun deck, i odlučio sam ga igrati na pet minuta prije početka prijava, naravno nisam imao side deck, niti ideje za to, pa sam pokrpao unutra sve fun tribute monstere koji mi nisu stali u main deck, – i to me je vjerojatno koštalo duela protiv Zvonka i prvog mjesta na PT-u jer nisam imao ništa protiv njega.
Pa da se to ne bi vama dogodilo preporučam vam da pogledate ovaj articledo kraja.
Pošto današnji metagame čine većinom Machine – Warrior deckovi, Macro cosmo, još koji Necrovaley, Zombi i slično preporučam sljedeće karte:
Ako igrate monarh kontrolu ili općenito sa 4 ili više tributa preporučam da side decku imate:
Puppet Plant – idealno protiv većine ljudi koji stapleaju warriore, ili igraju gravekeepere
By discarding this card from your hand to the Graveyard, take control of 1 face-up Warrior or Spellcaster-Type monster your opponent controls until the end of this turn
Electric Virus – sa ovom kartom ne možete pogriješiti jer 90% ljudi u staple stavljaju machine + odlično je protiv Horus kontrole
By discarding this card from your hand to the Graveyard, take control of 1 face-up Machine or Dragon-Type monster your opponent controls until the end of this turn
Marionette Mite – ovo je treća karta iz iste serije, ali pošto puno ljudi ne igra fiend i zombie deckove nju bi preporučio samo onima koji imaju striktno problema protiv zombi ili fiend deckova.
By discarding this card from your hand to the Graveyard, take control of 1 face-up Fiend or Zombie-Type monster your opponent controls until the end of this turn.
Ukoliko nevolite igrati protiv mirror deckova (dakle protiv istog decka kakvog vi igrate) preporučio bi vam kartu;
Chain Destruction, idealna protiv ljudi koji igraju npr. 3 Cyber Phoenixa,
You can activate this card when a monster with an ATK 2000 or less is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned or Special Summoned. Destroy all monsters with the same name in the summoning player’s hand and Deck. The Deck is then shuffled.
Ako su vam veliki problem machine također imate kartu:
System Down
Pay 1000 Life Points. Remove from play all Machine-Type monsters on your opponent’s side of the field and in their Graveyard.
idealna za rasturanje machina , a za to 1000 lp se lako plati.
Općenito dobra karta za side je Prohibition,
When you play this card, declare the name of 1 card. As long as this card remains on the field, the declared card cannot be played. The cards which are already on the field before this card’s activation are excluded.
-odlična za kontrole i protiv njih
Ukoliko vidite da netko igra određenu spell kartu u 3 kopije onda možete sideati
Cursed Seal of the Forbidden
Discard 1 Spell Card from your hand to negate the activation and the effect of a Spell Card and destroy it. Your opponent cannot activate Spell Cards of the same name (including the Spell Card that is destroyed by this card’s effect) during the rest of this Duel.
Protiv kontrola i za brzo završavanje igre bilo bi dobro imati:
Giant Trunade
Return all Spell and Trap Cards on the field to the respective owners’ hands.
-korisno protiv Clock Towera, Necrovaleya i burn deckova
Ukoliko igrate Dark atribute deck, npr Dark world preporučio bi da imate u side decku Deck Devastation Virus
Tribute 1 DARK monster with 2000 or more ATK. Check all monsters on your opponent’s side of the field, your opponent’s hand, and all cards they draw (until the end of your opponent’s 3rd turn after this card’s activation), and destroy all monsters with 1500 or less ATK
-pošto se danas igraju većinom mališani sa 1500 i manje atk-a teško da možete pogriješiti sa ovom kartom.
Dok protiv Dark Wordova uspijeva ako sajdate
Macro Cosmos
You can Special Summon 1 “Helios – The Primordial Sun” from your hand or Deck. While this card is on the field, any card sent to the Graveyard is removed from play instead
– samo pazite da vas ne zafrkne ova karta, mnogi deckovi nisu spremne za nju.
Kuriboh je itekako fun karta korisna protiv OTK-a
Discard this card. Make the Battle Damage inflicted to your Life Points by 1 of your opponent’s monsters 0. You can only use this effect during your opponent’s Battle Phase.
Des Wombat vs burna
Any damage to you from a card effect becomes 0
Naravno sve ovisi koji deck igrate i koji deckovi vam najviše smetaju.
Eto nadam se da sam bar vam malo pomogao, iako neki ljudi ne igraju side deck on je itekako važan da sa njim pokrpate slabosti svog main decka.
Best Regards,
Marik aka mmrvicin