Infinity Life Points

Flint + [2] Flint Lock + Morale Boost = inf. lp

S izlskom novog boostera, izašao je jedan monster vrlo kompliciranog efekta:
Flint Lock
Light / 4 / Machine
1500 / 800
Once per turn, you can equip a “Flint” on the field to this card. You can take any “Flint” equipped to this card and equip it to another face-up monster. This card can only be equipped with 1 “Flint” at a time. While equipped with “Flint”, this card is unaffected by “Flint’s” effect and cannot be destroyed by battle.

Dok su Flint i morale Boost već duže vremena u igri:
Equip Spell
A monster equipped with this card loses 300 ATK and cannot change its Battle Position or attack. If the equipped monster is destroyed, select 1 monster on the field and equip this card to that monster.

Morale Boost
Continious Spell
Each time a player equips an Equip Spell Card, increase the Life Points of the controller of that Equip Spell Card by 1000 points. Each time an Equip Spell Card is removed from the field, the controller of that Equip Spell Card takes 1000 points of damage.

O čemu se radi, za ovaj combo trebate imati na polju dva Flint Locka, Morale Boost.
Spell kartu Flint equipate na jednog od Flint Lockova, te s njegovim efektom ga preneseta na drugog, zatim s drugog na prvog. A za to vrijeme imate Morale Boost na polju koji vam povećava lp-e za 1000 svaki put kada equipate nekog monstera!!
Crazy, na ovaj način dobite beskonačno mnogo lp-a, a za condtition win možete koristiti Final Countdown ili nešto slično, gledajući kako vam protivnik pokušava sniziti vaših (npr.) 1 000 000 000 lp-a na 0 s svojim monsterima. ^^


white dragon

Glavni urednik Yugioh Planet portala i državni prvak 2007. godine.

Jedna misao o “Infinity Life Points

  1. Wow!!! Imam sve potrebne karte za to! Eto mene na državnom s tim combom.


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