National Championship 2008

Organizator: One2Play
Lokacija: Land Of Magic, Zagreb, Hrvatska
Datum: 31.5.2008. 12h
Voditelj: Daniel Martinović
Judge: Hrvoj Branimir


  • 1st place: Box LODT boostera, plaćen putu Amsterdam na Europsko, Nintendo Wii
  • 2nd place: 12 LODT Boostera, iPod
  • 3rd place: 8 LODT boostera, iPod
  • 4th place: 6 LODT boostera, iPod
  • 5th and 6th place: 4 LODT boostera
  • 7th and 8th place: 2 LODT boostera



National Championship 2008


*1. Bareza, Gordan *
2. Blazevski, Alen
3. Zrilic, Joso
4. Bozac, Marko
5. Boogy
6. Uljanic, Daniel
7. Sandric, Bruno
8. Kvartuc, Jure9. Capar, Robin Ivan
10. Mrvicin, Marko
11. Vrcelj, Sasa
12. Someone
13. Mrvic, Karlo
14. Knezevic, Kristijan
15. Maric, Ivan
16. Lozic, Josip
17. Gregov, Mario
18. Horvatic, Ivan 3
19. Capar, Tin Mihael
20. Pavlovic, Fabijan
21. Serdar, Mirko
22. Didovic, Ante
23. Beganovic, Dorijan
24. Leskovic, Josip
25. Glasnovic, Mihael
26. Jakupi, Djani
27. Ledenko, Kresimir
28. Noskov, Robert
29. Begovic, Andrej
30. Kraljevic, Borna
31. Belavic, Mario
32. Simicic, Nikola
33. Zabavnik, Marko
34. Dedic, Antonio
35. Eichenberger, Marko
36. Ivic, Zvonko
37. Gobin, Matija
38. Segulja, Bozidar
39. Bosilj, Mateo
40. Sterbic, Luka
41. Vujaklija, Raul
42. Barbancic, Marko 1
43. Stanisavljevic, Goran
44. Stefan, Matej


Deck Liste Top 8

1. Bareza Gordan – The Gadgtless Gadget deck – Beatdown Type

Monsteri 21
2x Cyber Dragon
2x Kycoo the Gost Destroyer
1x D.D. Assalient
3x Blue Thunder T-45
1x Drillroid
3x Banisher of the Radiance
1x D.D. Warrior Lady
1x Snipe Hunter
2x Legendary Jujitsu Master
1x Neo Specian Grand Mole
1x Morphing Jar
1x Marshmallon
1x Spirit Reaper
1x D.D. Crow
Spells 13
2x Lightning Vortex
1x Smashing Ground
1x Fissure
1x Nobleman of Crossout
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Shrink
2x Enemy Controler
2x Book of Moon
Traps 9
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Trap Dustshoot
2x Royal Opresion
2x Bottomles Trap Hole
2x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
Side Deck 15
2x Exiled Force
2x Protector of the Santuary
1x Giant Tournade
3x Shadow
3x Dust Tornado
2x Pulling the Rug
2x Counter Counter

2. Alen Blaževski – Gladiator Beast Deck

Monsteri 19
3x Test Tigar
3x Gladiator Beast Bestiari
2x Gladiator Beast Laqari
2x Gladiator Beast Darius
2x Gladiator Beast Murmilo
1x Gladiator Beast Hompolus
1x Gladiator Beast Dimacari
1x Gladiator Beast Secutor
1x Rescue Cat
1x Morphing Jar
1x Neo Specian Grand Mole.
1x Marshmallon
Spells 8
1x Lightning Vortex
1x Smashing Ground
1x Monster Reborn
1x Premature Burial
1x Mystical Space Typhoon..
1x Pot of Avarice..
1x Swords of Reaveling Light
1x Heavy Storm
Traps 13
3x Waboku
3x Solemn Judgment
2x Shadow imprisoning Mirror
1x Dust Tornado
1x Ceasefire
1x Mirror Force
1x Torential Tribute..
1x Trap Dustshoot
Side Deck 15
2x Des Wombar
1x Rescue Cat
1xGladiator Beast Laqari
1x Gladiator Beast Murmilo
1x Lightning Vortex
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Cursed Seal of the Forbiden Spell
2x Royal Decree
1x Ojama Trio
1x Return From the Diferent Dimension
1x Shadow Imprisoning Mirror

3. Joso Zrilić – DH engine LADD- type 1

Monsteri: 19
2x Light and Darkness Dragon
1x Dark Magician of Chaos
2x Caius the Shadow Monarch
1x Raiza the Storm Monarh
2x Destiny Hero Malicious
x Destiny Hero Fear Monger
1x Destiny Hero Disk Commander
1x Eelemental Hero Stratos
1x Armagedon Knight
1x Snipe Hunter
1x Sangan
1x D.D. Crow..
1x Spirit Reaper
1x Marshmallon
1x Treeborn Frog
1x Morphing Jar
Spells 15
3x Destiny Draw
2x Reinforcment of the Army
1x Heavy Storm
2x Allure of Darkness
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Scapegoat
1x Enemy Controler
1x Brain Control
1x Premature Burial
1x Foolish burial
1x Monster Reborn
Traps 8
1x Chrush Card Virus
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Mind Chrush..
1x Trap Dustshoot
2x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
1x Limit Reverse
Side Deck 15
2x Kinetic Soldiera
2x Jinzo
2x Royal Decree
2x Dust Tornado
2x Threatening Roar
1x Lightning Vortex
2x Legendary Jujitsu Master
1x Return From the Different Dimension

4. Marko Božac – Destiny Hero engine LADD dark type 2

Monsteri 23
2x Light and Darkness Dragon
1x Dark Magician of Chaos
3x Caius the Shadow Monarh
1x Jinzo
1x Destiny Hero Plasma
2x Destiny Hero Malicious
2x Destiny Hero Fear Monger
1x Destiny Hero Disk Comander
1x Eelemental Hero Stratos
3x Gravekeeper’s Spy
1x Gravekeeper’s Guard
1x Armagedon Knight
1x Strike Ninja
1x Sangan
1x Spirit Reaper
1x Treeborn Frog
Spell 14
3x Destiny Draw
2x Allure of Darkness
1x Reinforcment of the Army
1x D.D.R. –Diferent Dimension Rincarnation
1x Brain Control
1x Premature Burial
1x Monster Reborn
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Lightning Vortex
Traps 6
2x Phoenix Wind Wing Blast
1x Return From the Different Dimension
1x Mirror Force
1x Trap Dustshoot
1x Torrential Tribute
Side 15
2x Pulling the Rug
2x Mobius the Frost Monarh
2x Royal Decree..
2x Dust Tornado
1x Nedle Cealing
1x Royal Oppresion
1x Ceasefire
1x Ring of Defense
1x Bottomles Trap Hole
1x Legendary Jujitsu Master
1x D.D. Crow
1x Threatening Roar

5. Jure Kvartuč – LADD DH Engine type 3

Monsteri 20
2x Light and Darkness Dragon …
1x Dark Magician of Chaos
1x Raiza the Storm Monarh
2x Caius the Darkness Monarch
2x Destiny Hero Malicius
2x Destiny Hero Fear Monger
1x Destiny Hero Disk comander
1x Elemental Hero Stratos
1x Marshmalon
1x Morphing Jar
1x Spirit Reaper
1x D.D. Crow
1x Armagedon Knight
1x Treeborn Frog
1x Snipe Hunter
1x Sangan
Spells 16
2x Allure of Darkness
1x Folish Burial
1x Heavy Storm
1x Enemy Controler
1x Pot of Avarice
3x Destiny Draw
2x Reinforcment of the Army
1x Scapegoat
1x Premature Burial
1x Brain Control
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Monster Reborn
Traps 7
1x Trap Dustshoot
2x Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
1x Mirror Force
1x Limit Reverse
1x Mind Chrush
1x Torrential Tribute
Side Deck 15
2x Jinzo
1x D.D. Crow
2x Legendary Jujitsu Master
1x Lightning Vortex
2x Royal decree
1x Return From the Different Dimension
2x Threatening Roar
2x Dust Tornado
1x Kinetic Soldier
2x Needle Ceiling

6. Bruno Sandrić – Macro Cosmos Couter

Monsteri: 21
2x Van’Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord
3x Caius the Shadow Monarch
1x Raiza the Storm Monarch
2x Cyber Dragon
3x D.D. Survivor
3x D.D. Scout Plane
3x Banisher of Radiance
1x Marshmallon
1x Spirit Reaper
1x Cyber Valey
1x Morphing Jar
1x D.D. Warrior Lady
Spell 7
2x Dimmensional Fissure
2x Reinforcment of the Army
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Brain Control
Traps 12
3x Macro cosmos
3x Solemn Judgment
3x Dark Bribe
1x Mirror Force
1x Return from a different Dimension
1x Torrential Tribute

7. Danijel Uljanić – BURN

Monsteri 13
3x Lava Golem
3x Des Koala
2x Stelth Bird
1x Snipe Hunter
1x Card Trooper..
1x Mask of Darkness
1x Sangan
1x Morphing Jar
1x Spirit Reaper
1x Marshmallon
Spells 10
3x Wave Motion Canon
2x Chain Energy
1x Scapegoat
1x Nightmares Stealcage
1x Level Limit area B
1x Mesinger of Peace
1x Swords of Reaveling Light
Traps 18
3x Solemn Judgment
3x Dark Bribe
3x Seacret Barrel
2x Just Deserts
1x Dimension Wall
1x Ojama Trio
1x Gravity Bind
1x Ceasefire
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Magical Cylinder
Side Deck 15
1x Mei – Kou, Master of the Bariers
2x Princess of Tsurugi
1x Smashing Ground
1x Fissure
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Creature Swap
1x Nightmares Steallcage
3x Prohibition
2x Double Snare
2x Judgment of Anubis

8. Boogyman – withheld for privacy on request! – DAD

Monsters 20
2x Dark Armed Dragon
1x Darklord Zerato
1x Dark Magician of Chaos
1x Jinzo..
1x Destiny Hero Plasma
2x Destiny Hero Dasher
2x Destiny Hero Malicious
1x Destiny Hero Fear Monger
1x Destiny Hero Disk Comander
1x Elemental Hero Stratos
1x Strike Ninja
1x Dark Graphier
1x Snipe Huntere
1x Prometeus
1x Sangan
1x Armagedon Knight
1x Light and Darkness Dragon
Spells 17
3x Destiny Draw
2x Allure of Darkness
1x Enemy Controler
1x Brain Control
2x Reinforcment of the Army
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Swords of Reaveling Light
1x Scapegoat
1x Premature Burial
1x Monster Reborn
1x D.D.R. –Diferent Dimension Rincarnation
1x Lightning Vortex
Traps 4
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Mirror Force
1x Escape from the Different Dimension
1x Return from the Different Dimension
Side Deck 15
1x Mobius the Frost Monarch
1x D. D. Crow
1x Prime Material Dragon
1x Kinetic Soldier
2x nešto nečitko…
2x Prohibition
2x Cursed Seal of the Forbiden Spell
1x Ragieki Break
1x Ceasefire
1xRoyal Decree
2x Threatening Roar


Feature match



U polufinalu se susreću Joso Zrilić i Gordan Bareza. Oba igrača su zashufflala deckove, dok Zrilić i pile shuffla Gordanu, dok Gordan njemu samo siječe deck.

Zrilić dobiva 2, kao i Gordan, čak 2 puta. Gordan opet dobiva 2, a Joso 3.

Game 1
Zrilić kreće sa Elemental Hero Stratosom po Destiny Hero – Disk commandera. Odigra Destiny Draw diskardajući Destiny Hero – Maliciusa. Seta s/t kartu.

Gordan spušta Cyber Dragona i napada no popije setani Mirror Force, ali Gordan aktivira Book of Moon na Cyber Dragona te ga spašava. Seta još jednog monstera i s/t.

Zrilić napada Cybera i sada on dobiva Mirror Force! Zatim razmišlja te seta monstera i s/t.

No Gordan aktivira Nobleman of Crossout na setanog monstera, a to je Destiny Hero Disk Commander! Veliki udarac za Zrilića! Cyber dragon napada direktno zatim.

Slijeće Armageddon Knight i baca Dark Magician Of Chaosa u grave, te ga vrati na polje s  Premature Burialom i uzima Destiny Draw iz gravea. Reinforcement of the Army ide po Destiny Hero – Fear Mongera koji postaje cost za Destiny Draw.

Dark Magician of Chaos pregazi Cyber Dragona, a Armageddon Knight naleti na setanog Legendary Jujitsu Mastera i biva vraćen na vrh decka.

Dodo povuče i Joso mu kaže: ˝Stani, razmišljam.˝ što sam čuo. Budući da je ovaj zastao, Joso je mislio da ga je čuo i da čeka. Zatim Gordan spusti Kycooa the Ghost Destroyera, a Zrilić mu istog trenutka kaže da još razmišlja, na što ga vrati u hand. Zrilić zatim opali Mind Crush na Kycooa, a zatim mu dolazi Head Judge i kaže da to ne može odigrati jer je vidio protivnikovu kartu, na što Gordan kaže da nema veze, da je njegova greška te da će diskardati Kycooa i samo nastaviti igru.

Ali na njega se Judge ne obazire te nastavlja nešto govoriti, na što mu Zrilić odvratio: ˝Hebote, pusti nas da igramo.˝. Na što je Judge rekao da mogu zamiješati karte i početi igrati novu partiju. Zrilić se na to jako naljuti, ali se uspije nekako obuzdati te bezvoljno nastavi igrati.

Gordan sidea 4 karte, a Zrilić ništa.

Game 2

Kreće Zrilić prvi i seta monstera i s/t. Gordan spusti D.D. Assailanta i igra Nobleman of Crossout na Sangana.
Zrilić samo seta jednu u obje zone. Assailant ubije Vranu, a simmonani Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer direkt. Seta s/t i aktivira Royal Opression. Zrilić pogleda i pruži ruku.

Gordan Bareza pobjeđuje Josu Zrilića i odlazi u finale.



Oba igrača su izshufflala deckove, Zrilić malo duže. Krenuli su.

¨Neka veći noob pobijedi˝ je bila Brunova krilatica. Bruno dobiva na kocki i kreće prvi.

Game 1
Summona Valley i seta dvije karte, ali Zrilić odgovara sa Heavy Stormom koji dobiva Dark Bribe. Zrilić seta dvije karte i jednog monstera. U standby fazi Zrilić odigrava Mind Crush na Caiusa kojeg je Bruno neoprezno odigrao prije, seta još 2 s/t i monstera i enda. Zrilić flipa Reapera i aktivira Torrential Tribute. Summona Armageddon Knight koji senda Dark Magician of Chaosa u grave. Aktivira Monster Reborn na Dark Magician of Chaosa, no Bruno pali Torrential Tribute(prijevremeno), a Zrilić vođen tom informacijom uzima Heavy Storm. Brain i Mirror idu u Graveyard Stormom.

Bruno drawa Cyber Dragona i passa turn. Zrilić summona Sangan s kojim napada, te seta jednu s/t. Bruno je na potezu i summona Cyber Dragona koji ide preko Sangana, te Zrilić uzima efektom Destiny Hero – Fear Mongera. Bruno seta s/t i enda. Zrilić igra Mystical Space Typhoon na Dark Bribe kojeg je Bruno tek setao, te Phoenix Winged Wind Blast na Cyber Dragona.

U idućem turnu Zrilić aktivira Allure of Darkness i remova Destiny Hero – Maliciousa, te passa.Bruno summona D.D. Survivora koji napada direktno. Zrilić seta monstera, no D.D. Survivor prijeđe preko njega, Destiny Hero – Fear Mongera. Zrilić na svom turnu odigra Reinforcement of the Army po Elemental Hero Stratosa i summona ga, te traži Destiny Hero – Disk Commandera. Stratos napada Survivora i oba završe u graveu.

Bruno topdecka D.D. Survivora i napada, a Zrilić počinje luditi i aktivira 2 Destiny Drawa i aktivira Brain Control na D.D. Survivora koji bija tributan za Raizu The Storm Monarcha. Raiza bounca setani Mystycal Space Typhoon, a Raiza napada direktno. Bruno special summona Cyber Dragona u deffense, te završava.

Zrilić summona Destiny Hero – Fear Mongera, Cyber Raiza ide preko Cyber Dragona, a Monger napada direktno. Bruno seta s/t i kaže dalje. Zrilić summona Snipe Huntera, a Bruno aktivira Solemn Judgement koji samo pospješuje njegovu smrt.

Bruno ne sidea jer nema side, a Zrilić sidea 3 karte.

Game 2

Zrilić opet pile shuffla, a Bruno počinje prvi. Summona Banishera of the Radiance i seta Macro Cosmos. Zrilić samo seta 2 s/t i enda. Bruno summona drugog Banishera, ali oba popiju Torrential Tribute. Macro Cosmos na kraju turna dobije Phoenix Wing Wind Blast sa Žabom koja dođe slijedeći turn. Zrilić igra Destiny Draw na Maliciousa te set jednog monstera i s/t.

Bruno summona D.D. Warrior Lady te napada i remova Žabu. Seta Macro Cosmos. Zrilić seta Trapdust Shoot kojeg i aktivira na Brunovoj draw phasi. Bruno samo seta s/t i enda.

Zrilić seta s/t i monstera, a Bruno summona Banisher of the Radience koji napada setanog monstera, ali dobije Enemy Controller. Zatim Bruno aktivira Macro Cosmos.

Zrilić seta jednu s/t kartu. Na napad Brunovog D.D. Survivora Zrilić chaina Crush Card Virus preko Destiny Hero – Fear Mongera! Još na kraju turna Zrilić aktivira Royal Decree.

Na svom turnu flipa Destiny Hero – Disk Commandera koji napada Marshamllona.

U Main Phasi 2 aktivira Brain Control te tributa Coomandera i Marchamllona za Light nad Darkness Dragona. Bruno vuče Torrential Tribute i aktivira Dimensional Fissure. Light and Darkness Dragon napadne, a Bruno vuče macro Cosmos. Aktivira novi dimensional Fissure za 2. LADD-ovu negaciju. LADD ponovo napada Bruna i spušta ga na 1600, a Bruno vuče Bribe i gubi.

Zrilić ide u polufinale protiv Gordana Bareza.

white dragon

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