Datum održavanja: 13.5.2017 (subota)
Početak prijava: 12.30h
Početak turnira: 13h
Lokacija: Dućan Carta Magica, Frankopanska 24, Zagreb
Upad: 70 kn
Pravo sudjelovanja: Sudjelovati smiju svi igrači
- na upadu se dobivaju 1 booster Maximum Crisis i 1 OTS Pack 4 booster
- na kraju swiss dijela turnira nagrade prema poretku:
- na kraju turnira (nakon TOP4/TOP8) dodatne nagrade (izračunato za odaziv od 30 igrača; manje igrača znači manje nagrade više igrača znači više nagrada):
- 1. 24 boostera Maximum Crisis + 3 OTS Pack 4 boostera
- 2. 12 boostera Maximum Crisis + 3 OTS Pack 4 boostera
- 3.-4. 6 boostera Maximum Crisis + 2 OTS Pack 4 boostera
- 5.-8. 3 boostera Maximum Crisis + 1 OTS Pack 4 booster
WCQ Regionals Zagreb 13.05.2017 Final Standings by Uredništvo Yugioh Planeta on Scribd
Renato Smijulj
Monsters 17:
3 Speedroid terrortop
1 Speedroid taketomborg
2 Zoodiac ratpier
3 Zoodiac whiptail
2 Zoodiac thoroughblade
2 Zoodiac ramram
2 Ash blossom & joyous spring
2 Ghost ogre & snow rabbit
1 Lunalight black sheep
Spells 16:
3 Zoodiac barrage
3 Fire formation – tenki
2 Twin tiwister
2 Fusion substitute
2 Instant fusion
2 Forbidden chalice
1 Raigeki
1 Dark hole
Trap 7:
3 Solemn strike
2 Dimensional barrier
1 Zoodiac combo
1 Unending nightmare
Extra 15:
2 Zoodiac drident
2 Zoodiac broadbull
1 Zoodiac chakanine
1 Zoodiac tigermortar
1 Zoodiac boarbow
1 M-x-saber invoker
1 Totem bird
1 Gagaga samurai
1 Abyss dweller
3 Daigusto emeral
1 Elder entity norden
Side 15:
3 Imperial iron wall
1 Soul drain
1 Twin tiwsters
2 Denko sekka
3 Anti-spell fragrance
1 Gameciel, the sea turtle kaiju
1 Dogoran, the made flame kaiju
1 Jizukiru, the star destroying kaiju
2 Interrupted kaiju slumber
Denis Hubzin
Monsters: 4
1 Maxx „c“
2 Absolute king back jack
1 Mathematician
Spells: 11
1 One day of piece
2 Chain strike
3 Card of demise
3 Pot of duiality
2 Pot of desires
Traps: 38
1 Accumilated fortune
1 Ring of destruction
1 DImensional wall
1 Magic cylinder
2 Spiritual swords of revealing light
3 Secret blast
3 Secret barrel
3 Paleozoic marrella
3 Reckless greed
2 Balance of judgment
2 Blazing mirror force
2 Threating roar
2 Ceasefire
2 Ojama trio
3 Waboku
3 Just desserts
2 Paelozoic canadia
1 Toadally awesome
3 Paleozoic opabinia
3 Paleoizoic anomalocaris
2 Cat shark
1 Number f0: utopic future
1 Number 45: crumble logos the prophet of demolition
1 The phantom knights of cursed javelin
3 Fossil dyna pachycephalo
3 Lava golem
1 Yosenju kama 2
3 Imperial iron wall
3 Mystical space typhoon
Dario Ban
Monsters: 25
3 Majespecter cat-nekomata
3 Majespecter fox-kyubi
3 Majespecter toad-ogama
3 Majespecter raccoon-bunbuku
2 Majespecter crow-yata
3 Windwitch – ice bell
2 Windwitch – glass bell
1 Windwitch – snow bell
1 Maxx „c“
3 Archfiend eccentrick
1 Luster pendulum, the draco-slayer
Spells 12:
3 Pot of desires
3 Ties of the brethren
2 Terraforming
2 Majesty’s pegasus
2 Majespecter cyclone
Traps 15:
3 Mirror force
3 Quaking mirror force
3 Majespecter tornado
2 Majespecter tempest
1 Storming mirror force
1 Solemn warning
1 Solemn strike
1 Torrential tribute
Extra 15
1 Number 47: nightmare shark
1 Number 39: utopia
1 Number s39: utopia the lighting
1 Cairngorgon, antiluminescent knight
1 Abyss dweller
1 Lighting chidori
1 Number 30: acid golem of destruction
1 Performage trapez magician
1 Majster paladin, the ascending dracoslayer
2 Crystal wing synchro dragon
1 Trishula, dragon of the ice barrier
1 Windwitch – winter bell
1 Stardust dragon
1 Ignister prominence, the blasting dracoslayer
Side 15:
3 D.d. crow
2 Dark hole
2 Anti-spell fragrance
1 Secret village of spellcasters
2 Chaos trap hole
3 Barrier statue of stormwinds
2 Ghost ogre & snow rabbit
Filip Ljubičić
Monsters: 30
3 Scarm, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
3 Farfa, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
2 Libic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
2 Calcab, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
1 Graff, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
1 Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
1 Alich, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
1 Rubic, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
1 Barbar, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss
3 Fiendish rhino warrior
1 Maxx „c“
1 Tour guide from the underworld
1 Mathematician
2 Fairy tail snow
3 D.d. crow
3 Speedroid terrortop
1 Speedroid taketomborg
Spells: 12
1 Book of moon
1 Foolish burial
1 Raigeki
1 Soul charge
3 Pot of desires
3 That grass looks greener
2 Twin twisters
Traps: 18
2 Dimensional barrier
3 Fiend grieffing
3 Solemn strike
2 MIrror force
2 Lost Windows User
1 Skill drain
1 Torrential tribute
1 Ring of destruction
2 Paleozoic dinomischus
1 Solemn warning
Extra: 15
3 Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss
1 Dante, Pilgram Of The Burning Abyss
1 Virgil, Rock Star of the Burning Abyss
1 Beatrice, lady of eternal
1 Leviair the sea dragon
1 Mehcquipped angineer
1 Number 47: nightmare shark
1 Super Quantal Mech Beast Grampulse
1 Number f0: utopic future
1 The phantom knights of break sword
1 NUmber 30: acid golem of destruction
1 Totem bird
Side: 15
1 Flying „c“
2 Jinzo
1 Retaliating „c“
3 Vanity’s fiend
2 Dark hole
3 Anti-spell fragrance
1 Fire lake of the burning abyss