Psy-Frame je archtype koji je prvi puta predstavljen u „High-Speed Riders“ packu.
Svim Psy-Frame monsterima je zajedničko da su LIGHT atributea i Psychic typea, a oni koji su u main decku imaju 0 DEF. U Main deck postavi za sada imamo 6 monstera, od kojih su ih 5 Tuneri i 1 Vanilla (Normal monster). Jedni Tuneri su lvl 1, dok su drugi lvl 2, a Normal monster je lvl 6. Extra deck sadrži 2 Psy-Frame Synchroa, lvl 7 i lvl 8.
Glavna strategija Psy-Frame decka je da negiramo playeve od opponenta sa svojim Psy-Framegear monsterima iz ruke, nakon čega odmah prelazimo u velike Synchro playeve preko naše Field Spell karte, kojima dalje kontroliramo opponentove resurse. Efekti naših Psy- Framegear monstera se mogu triggerati samo ako na svome fieldu ne kontroliramo monstere. Stvar s fieldom možda zvuči loše, no sve ima smisla kada pogledamo efekte Psy-Framelord Synchro monstera. Oni imaju efekte da mogu trenutno banishati sebe i drugu opponentovu kartu, kako bi nam na fieldu ostavili mjesta za iduči Gear. Sada ćemo vidjeti što se sve nalazi u decku.
PSY-Frame Driver
Level 6
2500 ATK / 0 DEF
Psychic / Normal
„A Psychic soldier that rides into battle against the Security Forces on currents of lightning, using an automatic amplifier called PSY-Frame.“
Psy-Frame Driver je glavni monster našeg enginea. Bez njega u graveu, decku ili ruci naši su Psy-Framegearovi potpuno beskorisni. Zašto? Zato jer da bi se efekti naših Gearova aktivirali moramo imati Drivera na jednom od ta 3 mjesta, pošto se tokom realizacije efekta Gear i Driver Special Summonaju istovremeno na field (sl. kao Pendulum Summon). Ja u svome buildu igram 3. 3 Drivera ponekad znaju biti cloggy, pa neki igraju 2. Koliko god razumijem takav postupak opet je nužno da igramo 3. Ako nemamo Field Spell, Psychic Path ili Psychic Feel Zone karte svi naši Driveri će biti banishani, a onda ćemo biti u velikim problemima. Zbog toga igramo 3 Drivera da se nebi našli u takvoj gabuli.
PSY-Framegear Alpha
Level 1
500 ATK / 0 DEF
Psychic / Tuner / Effect
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned by a card effect, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. When your opponent Normal or Special Summons a monster(s) while you control no monsters (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card from your hand and 1 “PSY-Frame Driver” from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard, and if you do, add 1 “PSY-Frame” card from your Deck to your hand, except “PSY-Framegear Alpha”. Monsters Summoned this way are banished during the End Phase.
Alpha je naša glavna (i jedina) monster search karta. Da me nebi krivo razumjeli, ne searcha samo monstera, nego bilo koju Psy-Frame kartu. Neki ju nazivaju Stratos Psy-Frame decka. Zato je i Alpha vjerojatno najvažniji Gear, jer ćemo njome moći searchati našu Field Spell kartu pošto nam je ona crucial. Alphin se efekt aktivira kada opponent Summona monstera. Meni je najbolja kombinacija s Alphom ta gdje s njom searcham Fieldicu, pa onda summonam Black Rose Dragona na opponentovom turnu i nukeam field. Bez brige za destroyanu fieldicu, imamo novu u ruci za idući turn 😉 .
PSY-Framegear Beta
Level 1
700 ATK / 0 DEF
Psychic / Tuner / Effect
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned by a card effect, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. When an opponent’s monster declares an attack while you control no monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand and 1 “PSY-Frame Driver” from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard, and if you do, destroy the attacking monster, then end the Battle Phase. Monsters Summoned this way are banished during the End Phase.
Beta je jako efektivan Gear jer može itekako promjeniti slijed runde. Ona je naš Battle Fader i Sakuretsu Armor u jednom, zato što enda Battle Phase i destroya attacking monstera. Može nam poslužiti tek toliko da odugovlačimo za 1 turn, ili jednostavno zato da se riješimo nekakve velike prijetnje na fieldu. Čuvajte se Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragona i sličnih karti.
PSY-Framegear Gamma
Level 2
1000 ATK / 0 DEF
Psychic / Tuner / Effect
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned by a card effect, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. During either player’s turn, when an opponent’s monster effect is activated while you control no monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand and 1 “PSY-Frame Driver” from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard, and if you do, negate the activation, and if you do that, destroy it. Monsters Summoned this way are banished during the End Phase.
PSY-Framegear Delta
Level 2
1200 ATK / 0 DEF
Psychic / Tuner / Effect
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned by a card effect, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. During either player’s turn, when an opponent’s spell card is activated while you control no monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand and 1 “PSY-Frame Driver” from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard, and if you do, negate the activation, and if you do that, destroy it. Monsters Summoned this way are banished during the End Phase.
PSY-Framegear Epsilon
Level 2
1500 ATK / 0 DEF
Psychic / Tuner / Effect
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned by a card effect, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. During either player’s turn, when an opponent’s trap card is activated while you control no monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand and 1 “PSY-Frame Driver” from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard, and if you do, negate the activation, and if you do that, destroy it. Monsters Summoned this way are banished during the End Phase.
Gamma, Delta i Epsilon su Gearovi kojima je glavna zadaća da negiraju efekte Monster, Spell i Trap karti. Najkorištenije su Gamma i Delta, pošto u trenutnom formatu nema previše deckova s ogromnim Trap lineupom. Epsilon je dobra karta, ali možda previše situational. Stvarno dobro dođe u situacijama gdje nam opponent Flipa Vanity’s Emptiness, ali u ostalim situacijama će pretty much biti dead. Zbog toga ja Epsilon nebih igrao, niti ne igram u Mainu. Side deck Epsilon? Može, zašto ne.
A sada da vam predstavim kartu koja je uz Drivera od jednake važnosti, kako bi ovaj deck mogao u potpunosti funkcionirati.
PSY-Frame Circuit
Field Spell
If a “PSY-Frame” monster(s) is Special Summoned to your side of the field (except during the Damage Step), you can: Immediately after this effect resolves, Synchro Summon 1 Synchro Monster, using only “PSY-Frame” monsters you control. At the start of the Damage Step, if a “PSY-Frame” monster you control battles an opponent’s monster: You can discard 1 “PSY-Frame” monster; that monster you control gains ATK equal to the discarded monster’s ATK until the end of this turn.
Kao što sam već rekao. Ova karta je nužna uz Drivera da bi ovaj deck imao uspjeha u postavljanju jakih beatera na field. U 95% slučajeva ćemo Fieldicu i Gearove koristiti na opponentovom Turnu. Circuit ima 2 efekta. Prvi nam omogućuje da Synchro Summonamo koristeći Gear i Drivera ćim se Summonaju na field nakon realizacije Gearovog efekta. Zatim slijedi efekt sličan onom od Honesta ili Bujingi Cranea. Kada napadnemo s Psy-Frame monsterom možemo discardati jednog Psy-Frame monstera i onda naš beater dobije ATK od discardane karte do kraja turna. Odličan efekt i out za Towers (makar više nije u igri). Možemo boostati ATK Zete ili Omege na preko 5000 ATK-a, ako npr. discardamo Drivera koji ima 2500 ATK-a, pa time ukrasti match 🙂 .
PSY-Frame Overload
Continuous Trap
Once per turn: You can banish 1 “PSY-Frame” monster from your hand or face-up from your side of the field, then target 1 card on the field; banish it, face-down. During either player’s turn, except the turn this card was sent to the Graveyard: You can banish this card from your Graveyard; add 1 “PSY-Frame” card from your Deck to your hand, except “PSY-Frame Overload”.
Ovo je tako unfair karta. Banishanje je jedna stvar, ali još face-down :O . Face-down banishanje nam osigurava da opponent više nikada neće doći do svojih resursa, pa čak i sa „Burial From A Different Dimension“. To nam je out za ogromne stvari, preciznije za sve živo na fieldu. Može biti ogroman beater, backrow, pendulum skala… Overload je riješenje za sve. Niti cost nije nešto prestrašan, s obzirom da banishane karte možemo manipulirati Omegom, ili iskoristiti s kartama poput Psychic Path i Psychic Feel Zone. Još je više OP jer nam može poslužiti kao draw power tako da ju banishamo iz gravea. Postoji jedan jako zabavan loop s Omegom kod kojeg si lako možemo stanjiti deck. Omega vraća banishane karte u grave. U slučaju s Overloadom, banishanog iskorištenog Overloada vratimo u grave Omegom, pa zatim odmah opet banishamo Overload pošto je u graveu i iste sekunde dobijemo search bilo koje Psy-Frame karte iz decka (osim Overload). Ova će karta biti od velike važnosti protiv novih pendulum deckova zato što se moramo riješiti skala čim prije.
PSY-Framelord Zeta
Level 7
2500 ATK / 1800 DEF
Psychic / Synchro / Effect
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
Once per turn, during either player’s turn: You can target 1 face-up Attack Position Special Summoned monster your opponent controls; banish both it and this card until your next Standby Phase. If this card is in your Graveyard: You can target 1 other “PSY-Frame” card in your Graveyard; return this card to the Extra Deck, and if you do, add it to your hand.
Zeta je karta kojom se riješavamo velikih prijetnji na fieldu. Njenim efektom možemo upravljati igrom. Odličan je kombo gdje pomoću Omege vratimo banishanog Zetu u grave jer će zbog toga opponentov monster ostati banishan i neće se vratiti s Zetom na našem Standby potezu. No to nije sve. Ako je Zeta u graveu možemo mu aktivirati efekt da targetamo Psy-Frame kartu u graveu. Zeta nakon toga odlazi natrag na Extra deck, i ako dođe, addamo tu targetanu kartu u ruku. Da, dobro ste pročitali. Na ovaj način recikliramo destroyani Circuit.
Psy-Framelord Omega
Level 8
2800 ATK / 2200 DEF
Psychic / Synchro / Effect
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
Onece per turn, during either player’s Main Phase: You can banish this card from the field and 1 random card from your opponent’s hand face-up, until your next Standby Phase. Once per turn, during your opponent’s Standby Phase: You can target 1 banished card; return it to the Graveyard. If this card is in your Graveyard: You can target 1 other card in either player’s Graveyard: shuffle both that card and this card from the Graveyard into the Deck.
MVP Psy-Frame decka. Oko Omege se vrti čitava manipulacija opponentovog playa. Recimo da opponent aktivira Shaddoll Fusion i ima dvije karte u ruci, chainom Omeginog efekta ćemo mu trenutno banishati jedan od fusion materijala iz ruke, pa će Shaddoll Fusion izvisiti i otići u grave, ili neće moći koristiti materijale iz decka, pošto je Omega otišao s fielda. Također, može nam igrati ulogu reciklera. Recikliranje funkcionira gotovo isto kao kod Zete, samo što s Omegom vraćamo jednu kartu iz bilo čijeg gravea u deck (nemora biti Psy-Frame). Sada moji najdraži dio Omeginog efekta koji sam već spomenuo u opisu za Overload. Na opponentovom Standby potezu možemo jednu banishanu kartu vratiti u grave. To najbolje funkcionira u kombinaciji s Overloadom ili Zetom, zato što ćemo u svakom slučaju imati + 1.
Main deck: (navest ću samo nužne karte, ostalo radite po vašoj volji)
3 PF Alpha
3 PF Beta
3 PF Gamma
2-3 PF Delta
0-1 PF Epsilon
2-3 Cardcar D
3 PF Circuit
1-2 Terraforming
3 Psychic Feel Zone
0-1 Psychic Path
2-3 Pot of Duality
3 PF Overload
2 PF Zeta
2 PF Omega
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
Dodatne Synchro opcije:
Black Rose Dragon
Black Rose Moonlight Dragon
Yazi, Evil of the Yang Zing
Clear Wing Synchro Dragon
Michaelm the Arch-Lightsworn
Ancient Sacred Wyvern
Stardust Dragon
Stardust Spark Dragon
Scrap Dragon
Thought Ruler Archfiend
Overmind Archfiend
Hyper Psychic Blaster
Hot Red Dragon Archfiend
Ovo je definitivno jedan od najvećih control deckova koje je Konami napravio. To ga itekako čini kompetitivnim protiv gotovo svih deckova. Deck ima odgovora gotovo na 90% karata, a još može upravljati opponentovim handom i dodatno mu smanjivati mogućnosti. Deck je već topirao na određenim eventima, a i uvjeren sam da će u novom formatu biti još utjecajniji i poznatiji. New meta? Absolutely!
Čuvajte se ovih gadova na Dueling Networku / DevProu. Kada ugledate fieldicu doći će vam da odmah predate match.
~Stay tuned.