Need Healing?

Marik predstavlja novi deck koji heala opponenta, ili ipak ne?

Deck Name: Need Healing?
Autor: Marko Mrvičin aka Marik
Count: 43 – moj magični broj za YGO deckove

Monsters 16
3 [Dark Mimic LV1] – draw power
3 [Dark Mimic LV3] – draw power
1 [Morphing Jar] – draw power
3 [Mystic Tomato] – tražilica
3 [Nurse Reficule the Fallen One] – anti heal
3 [Vortex Trooper] – draw power

Spells 13
1 [Heavy Storm] – s/t removal (za decree)
1 [Level Limit – Area B] – stall
1 [Mystical Space Typhoon] s/t removal (za decree)
3 [Nightmare’s Steelcage] – STALL
3 [Soul Taker] – monster removal + heal
1 [Swords of Revealing Light] – još malo stalla
3 [Upstart Goblin] – Draw power + heal

Traps 14
3 [Bad Reaction to Simochi] – anti heal
3 [Gift Card] – BIG HEAL
1 [Gravity Bind] – i jos malo stalla
3 [The Paths of Destiny] – heal/burn
2 [Threatening Roar] – stall
2 [Waboku] – stall

Evo jednog decka onako više za zabavu. Može biti OTK.

Ovaj deck je prije bio potpuno ne igriv, ali sad nakon izlaska karte Nurse Reficule the Fallen One (LV 4; Dark type, 1400 atk, 600 def) koja ima isti efekt kao i Bad Reaction to Simochi, i izlaska karti poput Soul Takera i Gift Card za veci dmg i uništavanje monstera ovaj deck je postao potpuno igriv i zabavan.

Pa okrenuti sve naglavce i umjesto da protivniku obnavljaš životne bodove ti ga masno BURNAŠ

Brzi draw… element otk-a kad se skupi za kombo

Unatoč velikom draw poweru nekada se dogodi da jednostavno nemate sreće povlacite samo karte koje healju protivnika.
Prije nedostatak je bio Jinzo na polju ali sada se to riješilo Nurse Reficule the Fallen One i Soul Taker-om!

Efekt Bad Reaction to Simochi nije kumulativan, dakle ako aktivirate 2 Bad Reaction to Simochi i Gift Card, protivnik ce gubiti samo 3000 lp-a (a ne 6000 lp-a)

Ne znam dali isto vrijedi i za Nurse Reficule the Fallen One, (moram još provjeriti) ali deck je baziran na tome da efekti nisu kumulativni..

Ako su kumulativni onda imam novi dobar OTK!

Moje mišljenje:
Bad Reaction to Simochi + Bad Reaction to Simochi – nije kumulativno

Bad Reaction to Simochi + Nurse Reficule the Fallen One – kumulativno

Nurse Reficule the Fallen One + Nurse Reficule the Fallen One – nije kumulativno

No kao što rekoh treba još provjeriti!

Nurse Reficule the Fallen One
Effect Monster
DARK / Fairy / 4 Stars
ATK: 1400 DEF: 600
Any effect that would cause your opponent to gain Life Points instead inflicts the same amount of damage to your opponent.

Bad Reaction to Simochi
Continuous Trap
As long as this card remains face-up on the field, any effect of increasing your opponent’s Life Points is changed to inflict the same amount of points in damage to your opponent’s Life Points.

Eto toliko od mene!

Best Regards,




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