Natrag na vrh Decka!

Ovo je jedna od ideja koja me je primila kad sam vidio Raizu, smislio sam način kako da maksimalno zagorčam život svom protivniku, pa eto vam rezultata nakon par mjeseci igranja… ne moram ni reći da u prosjeku od 10 ljudi s kojima sam igrao 8 njih više ne želi igrati sa mnom i podsjećaju me na ovog smalija !

Deck Name: Natrag na vrh Decka!
Author: Marko Mrvičin
Count: 43
Monsters: 22
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Raiza the Storm Monarch
Raiza the Storm Monarch
Thunder Dragon
Thunder Dragon
Thunder Dragon
Giant Rat
Giant Rat
Giant Rat
Injection Fairy Lily
Legendary Jujitsu Master
Legendary Jujitsu Master
Legendary Jujitsu Master
Mysterious Guard
Mysterious Guard
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
Green Gadget
Green Gadget
Red Gadget
Red Gadget
Yellow Gadget
Yellow Gadget

Spells: 16
Back to Square One
Back to Square One
Card Trader
Card Trader
Enemy Controller
Enemy Controller
Heavy Storm
Lightning Vortex
Lightning Vortex
Limiter Removal
Pot of Avarice
Premature Burial
Swords of Revealing Light

Traps: 5
Call of the Haunted
Mirror Force
Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
Torrential Tribute

Cilj: vratiti i zalockati protivnika sa vraćanjem na vrh decka , kao back up strategija je nabubati sa Lily.

Način igre: sumonanje Gadgeta i diskardanje Thunder Dragona za shuflanje po decku, vraćanje onoga što mi ne treba sa traderima da povučem nešto novo(i eliminiram loš hend) removali su tu da kose monstere ili vrate na vrh decka, shrink, enemy i limiter su kao support za mali atk, a od obrane su tu Jujitsu Master i Mysterious Guard koji savršeno idu u strategiju….

A kako, zašto, i zbog čega…. Evo odgovora!

Mobius the Frost Monarch
Effect Monster
WATER / Aqua / 6 Stars
ATK: 2400    DEF: 1000
When this card is Tribute Summoned, you can destroy up to 2 Spell or Trap Cards on the field.

3 Raize su mi previše, nekad ipak moraš uništiti nešto…

Raiza the Storm Monarch
Effect Monster
WIND / Winged Beast / 6 Stars
ATK: 2400    DEF: 1000
When this card is Tribute Summoned, return 1 card on the field to the top of its owner’s Deck.

Tema decka je vratiti protivniku što više karata, a koja je karta bolja za to od ove…

Thunder Dragon
Effect Monster
LIGHT / Thunder / 5 Stars
ATK: 1600    DEF: 1500
During your Main Phase, by discarding this card, add up to 2 “Thunder Dragons” from your Deck to your hand.

Za dodatno diskardanje (6 karata koje diskardaju) i shuflanje po decku i za brzo odigravanje POA -a tako da nije bed hend…

Giant Rat
Effect Monster
EARTH / Beast / 4 Stars
ATK: 1400    DEF: 1450
When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle, you can Special Summon 1 EARTH monster with an ATK of 1500 or less in face-up Attack Position from your Deck. Then shuffle your Deck.

Svi mališani su EARTH, uključujući Gadgete, Lily i Mola….

Injection Fairy Lily
Effect Monster
EARTH / Spellcaster / 3 Stars
ATK: 400    DEF: 1500
This card’s effect can only be activated during the Damage Step of either player’s turn when this card battles. Pay 2000 Life Points to increase the ATK of this monster by 3000 points during the Damage Step only.

Kad se nađe neko veliki da ga mali EARTH zgazi…

Legendary Jujitsu Master
Effect Monster
EARTH / Rock / 3 Stars
ATK: 1300    DEF: 1800
A monster that battles with this Defense Position card is returned to the top of the owner’s Deck at the end of the Damage Step.

Moj defensive monster za stallanje protivnika, i sami znate kako radi…

Mysterious Guard
Effect Monster
EARTH / Spellcaster / 3 Stars
ATK: 800    DEF: 1200
FLIP: Return 1 face-up monster on the field to the top of its owner’s Deck. Also, if there is a face-up Warrior-Type monster on your side of the field, you can return another face-up monster to its owner’s hand.

3 Legendary Jujitsu Mastera mi je malo. Kad bi ih mogao igrati 5, e pa sad mogu, nažalost u cijelom decku nemam mi jednog Warrior type monstera, al i ovako je dobro… (moram u side staviti kojeg, al onda moram staviti i još neki s/t stall da ih štitim)

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
Effect Monster
EARTH / Rock / 3 Stars
ATK: 900    DEF: 300
If this card attacks or is attacked by an opponent’s monster, you can return both monsters to their owners’ hands at the start of the Damage Step (without damage calculation).

Svi ga znate, svi ga koristite a u ovaj deck skoro savršeno ide (da vraća na vrh decka bilo bi bolje, al nekad nije dobro sve vratiti na vrh decka…)

Red Gadget
Effect Monster
EARTH / Machine / 4 Stars
ATK: 1300    DEF: 1500
When you Normal Summon or Special Summon this card, you can add 1 “Yellow Gadget” from your Deck to your hand.

Yellow Gadget
Effect Monster
EARTH / Machine / 4 Stars
ATK: 1200    DEF: 1200
When you Normal Summon or Special Summon this card, you can add 1 “Green Gadget” from your Deck to your hand.

Green Gadget
Effect Monster
EARTH / Machine / 4 Stars
ATK: 1400    DEF: 600
When you Normal Summon or Special Summon this card, you can add 1 “Red Gadget” from your Deck to your hand.

Komentar(Gadget – all):
Svi su earth, svi su tražilice, svi su mašine i kao support decku idu savršeno jer ne gubim hend na summon (ima puno drugih karata za gubljenej henda), a po dva od svakog mi je dosta, ionako povučem previše istih pa jedva čekam Card Tradera, a tri ih ne trebam kad ih mogu vratiti sa Pot of Avarice..

Spelice & Trapice:
Back to Square One
Normal Spell
Discard 1 card from your hand. Return 1 monster on the field to the top of the owner’s Deck.


Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
Normal Trap
Discard 1 card from your hand. Return 1 card on your opponent’s side of the field to the top of the owner’s Deck.

Vi igrate smashing i/ili noblemana ja igram ovo, jedina je razlika što ja diskardam ali kod ovog decka to i nije neki problem.. Važno je napomenuti da vrača i fece up i face down monstera sa polja na vrh decka vlasnika.. + Phoenix Blast može i s/t kartu vratiti na vrh

Card Trader
Continuous Spell
Once per turn, during your Standby Phase, you can shuffle 1 card from your hand into the Deck, then draw 1 card.

Bilo mi je dosta bed henda pa sam ubacio 2 komada i iznenadi se učinkom, ova karta je krucialna za best combo…

Enemy Controller
Quick-Play Spell
Select and activate 1 of these effects:
– Change the battle position of 1 face-up monster on your opponent’s side of the field.
-Tribute 1 monster. Select 1 face-up monster on your opponent’s side of the field. Take control of the selected card until the end of this turn.

Quick-Play Spell
Select 1 face-up monster on the field. The original ATK of that monster is halved until the end of this turn.

Limiter Removal
Quick-Play Spell
Double the ATK of all face-up Machine-Type monsters on your side of the field, until the end of this turn. During the End Phase, destroy all monsters that were affected by this effect.

Svi su monsteri mališani, a povremeno bi htio uzeti i protivničkog monstera, u ovom decku idealani za Counteranje monarha su Shrink i Enemy, a i Limiter + služi u napadu i obrani

Heavy Storm
Normal Spell
Destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on the field.

Lightning Vortex
Normal Spell
Discard 1 card from your hand. Destroy all face-up monsters on your opponent’s side of the field.

Torrential Tribute
Normal Trap
You can only activate this card when a monster is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned or Special Summoned. Destroy all monsters on the field.

Mirror Force
Normal Trap
You can only activate this card when your opponent’s monster declares an attack. Destroy all Attack Position monsters on your opponent’s side of the field.

Svi trebamo nešto da malo počisti nered…

Premature Burial
Equip Spell
Pay 800 Life Points. Select 1 monster from your Graveyard, Special Summon it on the field in face-up Attack Position, and equip it with this card. When this card is destroyed, destroy the equipped monster.

Call of the Haunted
Continuous Trap
Select 1 monster from your Graveyard and Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position. When this card is removed from the field, destroy the monster. When the monster is destroyed, destroy this card.

Swords of Revealing Light
Normal Spell
Flip all monsters on your opponent’s side of the field face-up. This card remains face-up on the field for 3 of your opponent’s turns. While this card is face-up on the field, monsters your opponent controls cannot declare an attack.

Pot of Avarice
Normal Spell
Select 5 Monster Cards from your Graveyard, then add them to your Deck and shuffle it. After that, draw 2 cards.

Rekao sam da je ovo staple deck (više-manje), osim što mi Pot treba za favorite Combo!

Best Combo:
Thunder Dragon x2 (prošli potez diskardao Thundera da nađem još 2), POT, ostalo birajte
Field: Card trader
Grave: Thunder, 3 monstera a ostalo nije važno…

Vučem kartu, umješam Thundera u deck Card Traderom, vučem kartu (a da nije thunder), diskardam thundera da nađem thundera kojeg sam vratio u deck.
Sad imam 5 monstera u groblju, igra se POA, vučem dvije karte (opet se podrazumjeva da ne povučem jedan od dva thundera koja sam vratio sa potom), discardam opet thundera da nađem preostala dva.

Rezultat: povukao sam 3 nove karte, imam min 5 karata u hendu i sljedeći potez bi htio opet Thunder Dragona umješati za Card Tradera ili diskardati za nešto, sa potom sam vjerovatno vratio Gadgete u deck, pa sad sumonam opet da ih tražim.

Koliko god ovaj kombo zvučao dugačak, ne zaboravite da se izvede  u 4 od 5 partije sam od sebe kroz igru jer puno stanjujem deck tražilicama i bacam što mi ne treba, da vučem nešto novo ili zgadim protivniku život.

Eto toliko od mene, znam da opet nemem Sangana, al neke karte jednostavno više ne stanu u deck. Have FUN! I had!



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