Age of Overlord Yu-Gi-Oh Card List

Sve informacije o novom Yu-Gi-Oh setu Age of Overlord!

Datum izlaska: 20.10.2023.

Novi archetype: “Diabellestarr”!

Prvi support za “Armored Xyz”, “Heart”, “Horus”, “Patissciel”, “Sinful Spoils”, “Snake-Eye”, and “Veda” archetypeove!

Novi support za “Alien”, “Earthbound”, “Fusion Dragon”, “Labrynth”, “Magician”, “Mannadium”, “Nouvelles”, “Odd-Eyes”, “Ogdoadic”, “Pendulum”, “Pendulum Dragon”, “Phantom Beast”, “Recipe”, “Supreme King Dragon”, “Supreme King Gate”, “Synchro Dragon”, “T.G.”, “Vanquish Soul”, “Visas”, “Watt”, “Xyz” and “Xyz Dragon” archetypeove, kao i -Eyes Dragon, Chimera, Earthbound Servant, Gaia Knight, Shark, Shinobird, Supreme King, and Transcendosaurus teme!

Magicians of Bonds and Unity

Supreme King Dragon Lightwurm

T.G. Rocket Salamander

Visas Samsara

Veda Upanishad

Diabellestarr the Dark Witch

Snake-Eye Excel

Snake-Eye Oark

Snake-Eye Wight Birch

Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon

Imsety, Glory of Horus

Duamutef, Blessing of Horus

Hapi, Vanguard of Horus

Qebehsenuef, Aegis of Horus


Neferabyss, the Ogdoadic Overlord

Arias the Labrynth Butler

Vanquish Soul Jiaolong

Poissoniere de Nouvelles

Dark Hole Dragon


Ooyatsu Tsumamuhime

Invasive Alien Species – I.A.S



Tao the Great Chanter

Hanayome Ningyo

Oriori no Kamigami

Shinobaroness Shade Peacock

Shinobaron Shade Peacock

Supreme Celestial King Odd-Eyes Arc-Ray Dragon

Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlina

Berfomet the Phantom Beast Dark Ruler

Gaia Prominence, the Kindling Seraph

T.G. Mighty Striker

T.G. Over Dragner

T.G. Glaive Blaster

Mannadium Trisukta


Xyz Armor Torpedo

Xyz Armor Fortress

Full Armored Dark Knight Lancer

Super Starslayer TY-PHON – Sky Crisis

Infernal Flame Banshee

Transcendosaurus Exaraptor

Exceed the Pendulum

S:P Little Knight

Pendulum Evolution

Wings of Light

T.G. Break Limiter

T.G. – All Clear

Xyz Entrust

Planetary Elegy

Planetary Eulogy

“The Sinful Spoils Hunter Fiend”

Sinful Spoils of Doom – Luciela

The Shrine of Serpentine Sight – Snake-Eye

The Original Sinful Spoils – Snake-Eye

King’s Sarcophagus

Fire Recovery

Synchro Rumble

The Himorogi where Stars Align


Ogdoadic Dawn of Creation

Concours de Cuisine (Confectionery Contest)

Angel Ring

Card Scanner

Lament of the Immortal Bushi

Miracle of the Supreme King

Soul of the Supreme Celestial King

T.G. – Close

Full-Armored Xyz

Sarv Sarga

Loka Samsara

Sinful Spoils of Betrayal – Silvia

The Glaring Ruler Snake-Eyes

Canopic Protector

Nemleria Repette

Vanquish Soul Snow Devil

Seishou Ruten




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