six samurai deck lista

dobro dosli danas pise six samurai deck listu nemojte mi zamjerit jer nemam na pisano side deck  jer ga nisam usavrsio 




grandmaster of the six samurai

the six samurai-zanji

legendary six samurai- enishi

elder of the six samurai

legendary six samurai-kageki 2

legendary six samurai-kizan

the six samurai-irou 

legendary six samuray-mizuho

legendary six samurai-shinai

spirit of the six samurai

kagemusha of tje six samura

great shogun shien

hand of the six samurai

enishi,shien s chancellor

spell card

six samurai united

swords of revealing light

shien s dojo

heavy storm

dark hole

card desruction

cunning of the six samurai

mystical space typhoon

reinforcement of the army 

shien s smoke signalheavy storm

gateway of the six

trap card

six strike-thunder blast

nordic relic laevateinn

double-edged sword technique

mirror force

musakani magatama

raigeki break

bottomless trap hole

magic cylinder

draining shield

call of the hauntedfiendish chain

six style-dual wield

fiendish chain



exstra deck 


legendary six samurai shian 

number 39 utopia

shadow of the six samurai – shien





to je to mozete mi rec sta bi mogao stavit u  side-deck




10 misli o “six samurai deck lista

  1. samo jedan komentar:WTF je ovo,nisashi????
    2 irou???mizuho???shinai????1 kagemusha???yariza????enishi chencelor????
    great shogun?????1 elder???? 1 kizan?????card destructin????cunning????1 smoke signallll???? rota je limited,gdje je pobogu lss shi en???? trapove mi se neda ni nabrajat koje nisi treba stavit,ugl deck nevalja……

  2. i kaj se cudis sa svim ovim karta koje sam stavio i stina samo jedan kizan i kagemusha al ovo je moj deck nemam jos 2 kizana i 2 kagemusha i kaj se cudis sa mizuha i shinai svi imuju mizuha i shinai u deck i jos za smoke signall 1 ali imam reinforcement of the army 2

  3. i jos da znas izbacio sam yariza i jos sam dodo 4 karte al mi se sad neda nabrajat koje

  4. haahahhaha pobijedio bi me sa ovim deckom hahahaah
    rota ti je limitirana i nemozes igrat 2….


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