Dobrodošli u još jedan “Pogodi kartu”. Zbog velike potražnje ponovno vraćamo ovu rubriku. Svi koji ste sudjelovali u one setove prošlog mjeseca koji su bili s Boxom: rezultati su obračunati, a nove Nagradne Nedjelje idu uskoro.
Vraćamo se starom zanatu, a to je da odgovore pišete u komentare; također smo malo olakšali effecte karata.
Pogodi kartu, 17.3.:
1 ) Cannot be Special Summoned. You can pay half your Life Points; destroy all other cards on the field, and if you do, banish them. This card gains 300 ATK for each card destroyed this way. During the End Phase of the turn this card was Summoned: Send it to the Graveyard.
2 ) This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by removing from play 1 “Rainbow Dragon” from your hand or Deck. There can only be 1 face-up “Malefic” monster on the field. Other monsters you control cannot declare an attack. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, destroy this card.
3 ) Both players toss a coin once. If a player’s result is Heads, they gain 2000 Life Points, and if their result is Tails, they take 2000 damage.
4 ) Select 2 cards from the Graveyard(s), and shuffle them into their owner’s Deck(s). After activation, remove this card from play instead of sending it to the Graveyard.
1. S kojom bi kartom od ove 4 povezali kartu “Mound of the Bound Creator”?
a ) karta broj 1
b ) karta broj 2
c ) karta broj 3
d ) karta broj 4.
2. Koji je originalni ATK karte pod brojem 1? ______
3. Iz kojeg boostera potječe sljedeća karta?
a ) SHSP b ) NECH c ) SECE
Čekamo vaš odgovor 🙂
1) gandora the dragon of destruction
2) malefic rainbow dragon
3) the paths of destiny
4) pot of benevolence
1. a)
2. 0
3. a)
RJEŠENJE, 17.3.: 1 ) Gandora the Dragon of Destruction, 2 ) Malefic Rainbow Dragon, 3 ) The Paths of Destiny, 4 ) Pot of Benevolence
NAGRADNO PITANJE: 1.b, 2. ATK 0, 3.a