Pozdrav svim čitateljima, dobrodošli u još jedan set Pogodi kartu. To je naš prvi u 2015. te ćemo nastaviti petkom-utorkom, za sada. Uz današnji set dajemo vam i bonus pitanje za IQ igrače. Zadatak Pogodi kartu je da se otkrije Type karte ( Monster/Spell/Trap ) i puno ime koje ćete napisati u komentare.
Pogodi kartu, 16.1.
1 ) Tribute 1 WIND monster on your side of the field; select 1 card on your opponent’s side of the field, and return it to the bottom of the owner’s Deck.
2 ) Once per turn, you can return any number of face-up cards you control to the owner’s hand. For each card returned to the owner’s hand by this effect, this card gains 500 ATK, until the End Phase.
3 ) If your opponent controls more monsters than you, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand).
4 ) Each time you draw a card(s) for your normal draw in your Draw Phase place 1 Greed Counter on this card. You can send this card with 2 or more Greed Counters to the Graveyard; draw 2 cards.
1. U kojem je setu izašla popularna karta “Cardcar D”?
a ) Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy, b ) Order of Chaos, c ) Galactic Overlord
2. U kojoj je funkciji na ban listi karta pod brojem 2 ( u Pogodi kartu )?
a ) Limited, b ) Semi-Limited, c ) Unlimited
Tko će biti najbrži? Družimo se opet u utorak 🙂
Nagradno pitanje igri bez nagrade? Point? Point uopce svega tog
1.c) Galactic Overlord
Rekli smo da registrirani useri na Yugioh Planetu imaju prilike osvojiti nagrade iznenada 🙂
1).Spiritual Wind Art – Miyabi
2).Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
3).Evilswarm Mandragora
4).Shard of Greed
Nagradno pitanje :
1). c). Galactic Overlord
2). a).Limited
RJEŠENJE, 16.1.: 1 ) Spiritual Wind Art – Miyabi, 2 ) Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier, 3 ) Evilswarm Mandragora, 4 ) Shard of Greed
1.c, 2.a
Čestitke gragonu koji je prvi pogodio 🙂