Cryber Dragon deck je večinom Machine type i Light.
Deck dobiva svoga Anime duelista u Gx-u.
Zane Truesdale
Izašao je u boosterima:
Cybernetic Revolution,Shadow of Infinity,Enemy of Justice,Power of the Duelist,Strike of Neos,Force of the Breaker,Tactical Evolution,Gladiator’s Assault,Phantom Darkness,Light of Destruction,Duelist Pack: Zane Truesdale i Absolute Powerforce.
Glavne karte u decku su:
Sa svojim lijepim effectom za special summon može biti prizvan u prvom potezu.
Od ove karte se zapravo deck sastoji.Njih u decku bi trebalo boto 3.
Twin Dragon je fusion i u koristi sa De-Fusion može dati jaki combo.
Veliki plus mu daje dva napada.
Cyber End Dragona samog po sebi je teško prizvati.
Najbolje ga je odigrati sa kartom Future Fusion i sl.
Sa Power Bondom i Limited Removal može dovršiti odmah dvoboj zbog oduzimanja razlike life points.
O decklisti se može puno govoriti jer može doći sa Chimeratech i Dark Armedom no ja ću navesti samo jedan:
1. Cyber Deck
Monsters Spell
3 Cyber Dragon 3 Polymerization
2 Proto-Cyber Dragon 1 Heavy Storm
1/2(Po mišljenju)Cyber Valley 1 Limiter Removal
2/3 Cyber Larva 2 Power Bond
1 Cyber Dragon Zwei 2 De-Fusion
1 Jinzo
1 Honest
1 Cyber Phonix
1 Cyber Barrier Dragon
2 Cyber Ogre
2/3 The Light – Hex-Sealed Fusion
2 King of the Swamp
1 Shining Angel
Trap Extra Deck
1 Attack Reflector Unit 3 Cyber End Dragon
1 Mirror Force 1/2 Chimeratech Overdragon
1 Magic Cylinder 1/2 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
(Ostalo kako želite) 2 Cyber Twin Dragon
1 Cyber Ogre 2
Cyberi su bili jako ogranićeni u prošlosti no structur deck Machina Mayem je jako poboljšala deck.
O decku se da mnogo govoriti i može ga se nadograditi,pa ga to čini jako uspiješnim.
O comboima se može puno govoriti,najviše se odnosi na Cyber Dragona.
1. Polymerization(2 Cryber Dragona) za Cyber Twin Dragona.
De-Fusion u 2 Cyber Dragona.
2. Odigraš na isti način Cyber Twin Dragona (ili Cyber End Dragona).
Napadneš koliko možeš,De-Fusion u 2 Cyber Dragona i dobiješ +2 attack.
Ima dosta comboa,ali svi slični,pa mi se nevidi razlog nabrajati ih.
Da kažemo još i o CyberDarkovima:
When this card is Normal Summoned, select 1 Level 3 or lower Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard and equip it to this card. This card gains ATK equal to the equipped card’s ATK. If this card destroys an opponent’s monster by battle, inflict 300 damage to your opponent. If this card would be destroyed by battle, the equipped monster is destroyed instead.
When this card is Normal Summoned,select 1 Level 3 or lower Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard and equip it to this card. This card gains ATK equal to the equipped card’s ATK. This card can attack your opponent directly. If it attacks using this effect, its ATK is halved during damage calculation only. If this card would be destroyed by battle, the equipped monster is destroyed instead.
When this card is Normal Summoned,select 1 Level 3 or lower Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard and equip it to this card. This card gains ATK equal to the equipped card’s ATK. During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent. If this card would be destroyed by battle, the equipped monster is destroyed instead.
Te njihova fusion karta:
“Cyberdark Horn” + “Cyberdark Edge” + “Cyberdark Keel“
This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. When this monster is Special Summoned, select 1 Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard and equip it to this card. This card gains ATK equal to the equipped card’s ATK. This card gains 100 ATK for each Monster Card in your Graveyard. If this card would be destroyed by battle, the equipped monster is destroyed instead.
O njima nemam puno komentara.
Ja ih nevolim.Više mi se sviđaju Obični Cyber Dragoni.
S ovime završavam blog.
Moja ocjena deck-a je:
Nadam se da vam se svidio.
Ako želite vidjeti druga dva bloga tu su:
Lajkajte i ocijenite.
Brate imas dobru ideju, ali uzasnu realizaciju, jer ovaj deck nikada nece pobjediti nikoga.
2 future fusiona HA HA, da bar. Slažem se sa Jinzom
Jinz0 nije mi bio cilj dati neki deck koji pobijeđuje jer o takvima svi rade blogove,a za future fusion da je bannana totalno sam zabpravio i išao popraviti :)))
Pa zasto bi neko igrao nesto da izgubi? Cilj je napisati nesto fun, sto nije opce poznato, a da moze pobjediti. Evo ti primjer Kristalci su njesra sa Rainbowom, a kad ih slozis sa Hamonom/Queen of Tragic Ends ownaju. I onda napises takav blog, a ne ovo njesra. I dva future fusiona si zaboravio? Pa to je oduvijek bilo limitirano i evo bannano vec 2 formata, ili jedan neznam tacno sad.
wind men ja igram cyber deck pusti jinzu ja sam znam koliko je jak i ako moze da dodas power bond i slike su coll 😉
procitao sam ostala 2 bloga super su
procitao sam ostala 2 bloga super su